little one

Wednesday, October 25

how songs becomes magical,...

成龙)解开我最神秘的等待星星坠落风在吹动终于再将你拥入怀中两颗心颤抖相信我不变的真心千年等待有我承诺无论经过多少的寒冬我决不放手( 金喜善)现在紧抓住我的手闭上眼睛~~一接 那呀 艘-捏 恰-口 怒里卡 吗啊哟~~请你回想起过去我们恋爱的日子~~无里 撒浪 黑都 那-读 塞噶开把哟~~我们是因为太爱所以更使得我们痛苦~~无里 耨木 撒浪 黑艘 哈怕艘内哟~~我们连爱你这句话都无法讲~~艘路 撒浪 喊呢 没读 摸太艘呢哟~~( 成龙)每一夜被心痛穿越思念永没有终点早习惯了孤独相随我微笑面对相信我我选择等待再多苦痛也不闪躲只有你的温柔能解救无边的冷漠( 金喜善)现在紧抓住我的手闭上眼睛~~一接 那呀 艘-捏 恰-口 怒里卡 吗啊哟~~请你回想起过去我们恋爱的日子~~无里 撒浪 黑都 那-读 塞噶开把哟~~我们是因为太爱所以更使得我们痛苦~~无里 耨木 撒浪黑艘 哈怕艘呢哟~~我们连爱你这句话都无法讲~~艘楼 撒浪喊当 吗哟 摸太艘呢哟~~(合唱)让爱成为你我心中那永远盛开的花穿越时空绝不低头永不放弃的梦( 金喜善)我们是因为太爱所以更使得我们痛苦~~无里 耨木 撒浪黑艘 哈怕艘呢哟~~我们连爱你这句话都无法讲~~艘楼 撒浪喊当 吗哟 摸太艘呢哟~~(合唱)让爱成为你我心中那永远盛开的花( 金喜善)wu-rli so-jung-haed-deon yak-sok yi-ji-nou mal-a-yo无里 艘 句U 黑都 呀K艘 一几耨 吗啊哟(合唱)唯有真爱追随你我穿越无尽时空( 金喜善)我们连爱你这句话都无法讲~~艘楼 撒浪喊当 吗哟 摸太艘呢哟~~( 成龙)爱是心中唯一不变美丽的神-话

屋頂 - 周杰倫/溫嵐 曲︰周杰倫 詞︰周杰倫 編︰屠穎 *男︰半夜睡不著覺 把心情哼成歌 只好到屋頂找另一個夢境 女︰睡夢中被敲醒 我還是不確定 怎會有動人弦律在對面的屋頂 我悄悄關上門 帶著希望上去 原來是我夢裡常出現的那個人 #男︰那個人不就是我夢裡那模糊的人 我們有同樣的默契 男︰用天線 女︰用天線 排成愛妳的形狀 男︰排成愛你的形狀 +女︰在屋頂唱著你的歌 男︰在屋頂和我愛的人 女︰讓星星點綴成最 合︰浪漫的夜晚 擁抱這時刻 這一分一秒全都停止 男︰愛開始糾結 %女︰在屋頂唱著你的歌 男︰在屋頂和我愛的人 女︰將泛黃的夜獻給 合︰最孤獨的月 擁抱這時刻 這一分一秒全都停止 男︰愛開始糾結 合︰夢有你而美 重唱 *,#,+,% 女︰讓我愛你是誰 男︰是我 女︰讓你愛我是誰 男︰是妳 女︰怎會有 合︰動人弦律環繞在我倆的身邊 女︰讓我愛你是誰 男︰是我 女︰讓你愛我是誰 男︰是妳 女︰原來是 合︰這屋頂有美麗的邂逅 男︰在屋頂唱著你的歌 在屋頂和我愛的人

豆漿油條 - 林俊傑 曲︰林俊傑 詞︰張思爾 編︰蔡政勳陳建瑋 喝純白的豆漿 是純白的浪漫 望著你可愛臉龐 和你純真的模樣 我傻傻對你笑 是你憂愁解藥 你說我就像油條 很簡單卻很美好 *我知道 你和我 就像是豆漿油條 要一起 吃下去 味道才會是最好 你需要我的傻笑 我需要你的擁抱 愛情就是要這樣 它才不會淡掉 #我知道 有時候 也需要吵吵鬧鬧 但始終 也知道 只有你對我最好 豆漿離不開油條 讓我愛你愛到老 愛情就是要這樣 它才幸福美好 +我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道 好不好 別偷笑 笑 讓我知道〔就好〕 我喝完熱豆漿 卻念著還想要 你吃完金黃油條 愛情又要再發酵 重唱 *,#,+,+

第一次 - 光良 曲︰光良 詞︰張天成 編︰MAC CHEW 當你看著我 我沒有開口 已被你猜透 還是沒把握 還是沒有符合 你的要求 *是我自己想得太多 還是你也在閃躲 如果真的選擇是我 我鼓起勇氣去接受 不知不覺讓視線開始閃爍 #喔 第一次我 說愛你的時候 呼吸難過 心不停地顫抖 喔 第一次我 牽起你的雙手 失去方向 不知該往那兒走 那是一起相愛的理由 那是一起斯守 〔對我〕 +喔 第一次吻 你深深的酒渦 想要清醒卻沖昏了頭 喔 第一次你 躺在我的胸口 二十四小時沒有分開過 那是第一次知道 天長地久 重唱 *,# 感覺你屬於我 感覺你的眼眸 第一次就決定 決不會錯 重唱 #,+

Sunday, October 8


humans say things to other ppl,...selfish things,...

knowing that it might not be possible,..

selfish,..good or bad,..????

it is the self,...self,..self,..
its within one self,..own self,..

sh*t,..haven return my overdue library books

chun hyang's songs r so good,...loved them,,...emotional,,...power,..

think think thnk think think think think thin kthin k,..haven really take its flight,......think think thinhk think think think think think,....really bad,..
time has already taken the earlier flight,..

what is my existence on earth for,....i always forgot my answers,..

funny,..if i'm not born,...where will i be,..who or even wat will i be,..

an ant,..who can carry more den its own weight,.?
a tiny cockroach ,..crushed by those human foot,..?

why am i born in 1984,...?? why am in born to my parents,..and have my mom who is born to my grandparents,..and my aunts and uncles who were born to my granddies,..

pardon my engo,..

i asked and ponder too much
,..its wat happen when ,...i have nothing much to do,..

how come i meet the ppl i meet,..

overall,..i believe,...there is an interesting pathway,..laid for me,..every detours,...pitholes,..any tripped,..or falls,...were in the package,...its a life tour package,..

okokok,..i need to sleep now,...e ghost show i watch on tv was so scary,...
i better sleep before i became the last to,...

oh man,..i love these songs,..

can i have an mp3 inbuilt into my brain, i can play these songs over and over,.??? surround sound pls,...

4 more years,...its late,..but...not too late, least im not like 95 years old,..

three things that old ppl regret and would like to take up if they can rewind and live their life again

one: take more risks in life,..
two: reflect more,..
three: forgotten le,..this is the one with the most impact to me,..should ask jen again

one: certainly life will be more interesting,...yeah,..this should be the way,..
two: i think i have too much reflection,..of my own,..need other ppl's views too,..steal from them
three: i'll get back to this as soon as i ask jen

how to work and don seem to be working

one: permanent contentment
two: i forgot
three: i also forgot,..


WAN AN!!! !!! !!! MUACK,..a kiss for my weewoo,..hehehehehehhe,...yikes,..

Sunday, October 1

good evening

good evening,...happy sat and sun,...^_^ doing nothing much,..really wasting my time away,...ran through ppl's blog,..seeing how they write down their daily day to day happenings,..
wat they do and stuff,.how they feel,...

sudden felt,.that humans r so,....weak emotionally,....including me, weak dayo,...worst den animals out there,..

maybe i do, my feelings down too,...i think i do,..

some ppl write down their feelings openly
some don,..
some don even blog
some find blogging letting ppl know bout their thoughts

well,...don't know how true each person really is when blogging,..

surely i won blog bout my real emotions,..
that will be too,.....
how to let ppl know how weak or how strong you r,..?
i don't
surely don't wan ppl to know,...

i loved this midi file,...oh sooo sweet,...
dunno wat is the title though

22 year old lor,....
wat have i been doing the past 22 years,...
but,..lots and lots of good memories though,..overall,...very good life,..a very meaningful past,..very sweet and bitter at the same time,..i think the bitter part will turn into something sweet someday,...dunno when that day will come,..looking fwd to that,..or maybe it will live with me all together forever,...oh my ,..

met all the people that shape my life for me, good,..can't name all,..too many le,.some of which i have forgotten,...their names,..even looks,..only vague memories of their figures,..and vague memories of their words,..

current status: looking fwd to meeting more ppl in life that will help me shape my life,..
think life is just bout meeting ppl,..and learning bout yourself,...that is all ba,..

am i too positive,..seems that there is no really sad or negative things that can really make one die,..sad things do happen,..but soon, day , will turn into something good,..or something good will happen that make you wanna live again,..

ya,..i know when i will be really really really sad,....the day when i die ba,..(for now i say this la,..),..cos life is so good now and everything is so,,..that if,..i were to go to a forever sleeping session ,..and leave all i have behind me,...,...that is,...the real sad,...

sometimes,..i do wish something bad or very very sad will happen, at least i have an idea how it really feels,..and to see how i will react, ..will i survive?? will i crush and fall,..who will be there really to give a helping hand,..??? ..seems to me that i am in this safe secure surroundings,..isn't this a world where everyone thrive to survive,..isn't this the cold world where living is so tough,,..i think i am not really living in the real world yet,...

can't wait to come out,.life will be harder den,...hahaha,..i think i am sick,...i really am,..

okay okay,..maybe i am wrong,...humans, is not so much of survival, least not so in this part of the world, is more on mental survival, the life you want,..learning not to see so much of how other ppl think,..learning not to be affected by toopid ppl,..learning to be stronger mentally,...physically strong is only the exterior for our body to be able to hold on,..but it is the menal that controls everything,..

human, is all about mental survival,...

i am still a kid,...happy children's day,.. teenage mutant nijia turtle,turtles in the hard shell,..turtle power,....oh man,..miss the turtles, favourite,..the purple one with the stick,...

nono,...i am not a coco power ranger person,..

yes,..i love hi 5

oh i adore barney

i love you ,.you love me,..we're great friends as friends should be ,.with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you,...will you say you love me too,.HAHAHAHA

not much of a care bear,..or smurf person,..

oh,..i love captain planet,..

and ,.......i love caiilou,..

okok,...i know the barney thing is still creating an impact on you,...but,..wats wrong with the purple dinosaur,..???

its a friendly rex you know,...and he will transform into a smaller version when the show ends,..

starting to emerged

,,...trying to emerge out from the shell,....trying my best,...good luck for me,....i will succeed,, is good,....

alicia keys ( i love the piano background)
Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you
Some people search for a fountain
The promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me a world on a silver platter
And what good would it be?
With no one to share, with no one who truly cares for me
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, you, you
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you
If I ain't got you with me baby
Nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby

fallin loved this song tooo,......

I keep on fallin in love with you Sometimes I love ya Sometimes you make me blue Sometimes I feel good At times I feel used Loving you darling Makes me so confused I keep on fallin in and out of love with you I never loved someone way that I loved you Oh,oh,oh I never felt this way How do you give me so much pleasure and cause me so much pain Just when I think I've taken more than would a fool I start fallin back in love with you I keep on fallin in and out of love with you I never loved someone way that I loved you(oh baby) oh,oh,oh,oh,ooooh(yeahyeah) Oh,oh,oh,oh,fallin(fall)(fall)(fall)(fall) I keep on fallin in and out of love with you I never loved somebody way that I love you