little one

Monday, May 7

today,.....i've made a discovery,...unfolding questions that lasted more then 11 years,..hahahahahhahaha

hahahhaha,...i just can't stop smiling,..

finally ...a serious thought when young,....came to know actual only more then 11 year later,...but,..only this,..made it even more worth remembering,..

better jote down some pointer before i forget,'s already seem like a dream

mastermind game was the nearest
very difficult to talk to me
finding for me back in changi airport photo taking
laughing at disturbing ah siao "kekekeke"
attentive in class
saw my glances
not sure
would like but the unable i like you before leaving knowing after which it will be never again,..
hard to choose glass sailormoon
stopped but was pulled wrongly to the center of the pool "if i recall correctly,..the instructor pull back after much struggle"
joined even though there were only another boy with him
told his best friend and his best friend sabotaged him by announcing the next day

kekeke,...wan an,...happy day,..really happy day,...hahahahhahahahaha,...