little one

Monday, August 25

yi bin

MEO MEO MEO, are you,.??????? still in the states ma,.?

do take good care, ^_^ are away,..ling is away,.....


is now 3 and a half month old
jayemos tries hard to turn whenever we put him on his back, attempts leave him crying,.
after successful turning, (all babies must learn how to turn back from his tummy first, it is safer) he hold his head firmly and eventually, crying out for help,..kekeke,..

jayemos is teething,...that is why,..all the drooling, wanting to bite people,...refusing to feed,..
"JIAYOU JAYEMOS" we know it is difficult for you during this period, may take months, ah,..we will help you through k! Thank you for all the patience and tolerating the itchy and maybe pain now,...

jayemos now takes in 150ml every 2 hrs,...night feed remains the same,..
jayemos enjoys his bath so much that he cry whenever we are done with his bathing
jayemos love his bolster,..
jayemos love to talk so much,..."ah buuu"
jayemos 's scared of my gor gor
jayemos watch the TV and his toys at the same time
jayemos can play his muscial toy by pressing his fingers on it or kicking the buttons
jayemos walk walk with padad holding him
jayemos's still holding his hands
jayemos is beginning to explore that he have feet
jayemos's eyebrows appeared
jayemos shout sometimes,..
jayemos sighs lots
jayemos frown
jayemos shows delight
jayemos 's so ticklish
jayemos ,..i love you,... ^_^

Sunday, August 3

my 3 month old,...

Jayemos turned three month yesterday. Took him to a new paediatrician for his second immunisation. Came home for a 3ml PAXIMOL as recommended. Monitoring with the highest temperature of 37.27degrees.

Jayemos is now 7kg, 63cm.
He can hold his head in an upright position.
He likes to put his left (3-4) fingers into his mouth to suckle. (Prove to made him reguritate)
He likes to play his right hand in the air in front of his face.
He pops out his pacifier just before he fall asleep.
He smiles before he sleeps and whenever people are talking to him.
He talks and shout most of his waking hours to the people handing him.
He cries other than talking during his waking hours.
He likes watching TV, and would cry if being taken away.
He likes to be carried into the air.
He dislike to be carried sometimes.
He'll show you his tongue, blow bubbles, frown, blow his lips.
He dislike to be placed on his tummy.
He dislike to be placed horizontal when he is awake.
He jerk himself to be in upright postion after his feed.
He likes to pull up his shirt (There goes the ones with the buttons)

He still being breastfed. Demand for 120-150ml every 2 hrs during the day till late evening.
He needs to be rocked all day long into the night during his sleeping time.
After 12 midnight, the rocking stops and the bottle feeding stops. Jayemos was breastfed every 2 hours or whenever his "stretching" woke me up.

Normal routine:
1pm: Woke up for feed
1-2pm: Watching the TV, Talking, Being bathed, Changed diapers
2pm:Started to get irritated at everyone and everything
After 2pm: Sleep for the next 2 hours, if not the 3pm feed will be directly given.

mama and padad loves you jaymos, is grams,..and aunt bao,.

Jayemos sleeps in sarong that gram made for him.