little one

Tuesday, December 27

bye!!! - this word i hear from the tv program as i think wat to put into tis slot

darling's in signaller camp in stagmont,....^_^ bless my dar!!

found out that i s*ck in playing hand guessing games,... even sissors paper stone,...

narnia, not a very good show,...rather lame and should be rated as K for kids entertainment....the only part i like is the wardrobe,..i want one of that too,..

day by day,..went pass,...drawing near to going for my four months sail,...O_O!!

things tat i must get

- pillow,..
- blankee
- more photos,.
- bolster
- diary
- my digi
- my mp3
- money for okaleys
- new milk powder
- one annoying alarm clock
- a spare un-demoralised heart
- a bag of ZZZZZ

just imagine the day i sail back home,ship is alongside,,..taking the mrt ,.after not taking it for four months,..tapping the ezlink card,..walking back home,...taking out my key,..tada,..saw everything the same as it was,..why do i sound as if i am going for years,......hahahahhahahahahhhahahahahha,..^_^

chey,..only four months onli ma,...!!!!!!!!!!!

i still haven found any hobbies yet,...with the capacity of patience i owned, is not something to be alarmed about,...

maybe, hobby is simply to find out wat my hobby is

AGREE TO DISAGREE is very important for humans to be happy

i am sleepy,...good night all,....

pls give me a sweet sweet dream,..don ask me to slp tight,..i might suffocate,....thanks,...!!!

Sunday, December 18


When i was just a little girl
I wanted the world at my feet
Now all that's changed
'cause i have love
And now i do can see
You're all i need to get by

Like the sweet morning dew
I took one look at you
And it was plain to see
You were my destiny
With arms open wide
I threw away my pride
I'll sacrifice for you
Dedicate my life to you

I will go, where you lead
Always there in time of need
And when you lose your will
I'll be there to push you up the hill
There's no, no looking back for us
We've got love
Sure enough
That's enough

You're all i need to get by
All, you're all i need to get by

Like an mother protects his nest
For you i'll do my best
Stand by you like a tree
Dare anybody to try to move me
Darling in you i found
Strength where i was torn down
Don't know what's in store
But together we can open any door

Just to do what's good for you
And inspire you a little higher
I know you can make a woman
Out of a soul that didn't have a goal
'cause we, we got the right foundation
And with love and determination

You're all i want to strive for and do a little more
All, all the joys under the sun wrapped up into

You're all i need to get by
All, you're all i need to get by

David Archuleta is great,...!!!
"who's loving you,......" hear him sing

happy thoughts makes me happy all day long!!!!


maybe i just day dream too much,...but its,....HAPPY DAYO,...!!!

waiting for sofa to come come come,..^^

how can i just smile like tat,...its too ,..... magical,...^^

wat should i do neh,..???

guess if i never start,..i'll never know wat i like,....!!!


oh my god,...i'm too happy,..its a sin,...^_^ hehehee,..
somebody scold me....

16th dec 2005 ,.... is a sweet sweet night,..
so is 18th dec 2003

and a couple of other days,...

but everday, a sweet sweet day,....

sh*t doc say i don have to take my wisdom tooth,.....well,..can't they see from the x-rays tat it is bending to the side,...his poor neighbour is going to be very dirty as mr toothbrush can't reach him,...idiots,...wat r e docs doing,...!!!!???? can't they see i am having such sweet days tat will cause toothache,..??

i am waiting for sms,.....^_^ hahahahahahahahahahaha


waiting for christmas,....and newyear,..after tat ,..will be sad,..very sad,..but,..after tat will be happy again,..very happy,....rollar coaster,..

such happiness i can't simply keep my extra extra big mouth shut,...


can see, is pure pure purepurepurepurest joy,..words can't,,..never describe,,...symbols,...
for better understanding,...see when you r most happy,...if you could measure to find the most,...

i'm very sleepy,...but,....hahhahahahaha

who cares,...

i'm blogging for christsake,...

god bless you,..
its sunday,....and i am tired...had "little" sleep from duty yesterday,...have sailing plus duty tomorrow,..but i'm too happy,...

up and up in the clouds,....can you see me floating,..
my heart is slightly above its original position,..and its filled with helium,...lucky i'm not speaking,...else,..i sound like cartoon,.

some girl msn my bird nest hair bro, next time,...


Wednesday, December 14

waste my time,....

went shopping and couldn't find the dress tat i wan,...well,..there is and its over 200 bucks,...i squeeze out four dresses from tat amount,...

gonna try my luck tomorrow again,.... @ P(#$*%%@P(*#($

went looking for shan,..tat crazy ger is still as mad as ever,..toopid yu din reply my sms,..

bro is crazy wif his wife,...
and his hair is like a bird's nest,..only tat its not make from his saliva,..


the downloading is sooooo sloowwwwww!!!

need to scroll so low so he couldn't see my evil doings,.

79%, slow,...sia,....
ping pong,.......gonna see the ping pong....

tml still need to "work"
ya ya,..tml gonna spent some $$....
today is ,...... a happy day o,....
still at 79%,...i think i ican take a shower and it is still not completed,..
can't wait for the new year,.....
new sofa, coffeetable,...
i can see ppl dancing in front of me,....
waltz is nice,..

"japanese ladies inherit their breasts from their fathers,..." - by some stage comedian,..its insulting but,..funny,...

eating sprouts create the most pungent smell,...up next is eggs,..den beans,..last is fizzy drinks,..

eggs create silent but powerful smell,..
okay,...we are at 80%, nice!!!!

i kept repeating the songs tat i like,...din get a chance to listen to other songs,...

i can't believe i am sitting here typing as i am waiting for the toppid thing to download,....

this week guess can only jog so much,..
i love this friday,...^_^
i love my current phone,..."you can throw it on the floor,..drop into water,..and still function as new" - sis (cousin)

i have been blogging like over a year,..or two,..??

i love this new song,..
singapore ppl have got the worst life style,....
can't we have only a four day work week,..minus off tuesdays,..i never liked tuesdays,...they always seem so long,...dragging the whole week,..

i need water

okay,..i have no patience,..i stopped the downloading,......

i love elmo,...especially the tickle--me--elmo,..and he goes,...hia hia hia hia hiahahahhaa,......and went into vibrates giggily,...

have you seen wat the primary school kids are learning,...those words,..i don even know how to pronooouce,..

i dislike moving my butt to let ppl seating inside to alight,..why don they just make a door next to their seat , the seat can automatically throw them out when the bus stopped,..

i need to floss my teeth,...diamaru's in a bad state, i miss the place,..with yvette,..adding joel,.

quicksand into my past,...

why????????? sometimes,..there is just no why,.....or there is,..???

can't wait for aunt to stay,...

i'm still thinking,....all the time,.................

had a dream, the dream, mum pass away,..."touch wood" "choi" okay back to the topic, mum return and had some dinner or lunch with the whole female power,..consist of my aunts and me,..and we chatted on how she is and how we are doing,..i looked at my "pass on mum",..felt very sad,though we were chatting very happily...den i woke up to go to the toliet, an hour i have to wake up to work,...

an hour later..

woke up,..feeling tat i haven slept at all...and was lunching,..
curse and swear,...


Saturday, December 10



happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy ,.....

got one wisdom tooth to pluck,....two ,..pending,....hahhahahahahaha,.....i can't wait,..pluck out all of dem,....

la , la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la la,....
la vie en rose,..

i dreamt a dream,............^_^ its a good dream,....

time,...don wait for tough times,....they just go ,.go ,..and go,...


wat should i do neh,...??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Thursday, December 8

wat is your goal,..??

wat do you wan to achieve,..? your dreams,..?

i have no idea,......

i dunno wat is the job that i totally interested in, dream job,...totally clueless,.....

well,..i don even have a hobby,....jogging,..swimming,,...nah!!!

"think think thinkthinkthink"

Saturday, December 3

翻着我们的照片 想念若隐若现
去年的冬天 我们笑得很甜
看着你哭泣的脸 对着我说再见
来不及听见 你已走得很远
也许你已经放弃我 也许已经很难回头
我知道自己错过 请再给我一个理由
说你不爱我 就算是我不懂 能不能原谅我
请你回头 我会陪你一直走到最后
就算没有结果 我也能够随
我知道你的痛 是我给的承诺
你说给过我纵容 沉默是因为包容
如果要走 请你记得我 如果难过 请你忘了我

Thursday, December 1

i simply day dream too much,......

total tis week,...


things i must get tis month,..

another mp3
2GB thingy,..

things i must get before i was gone,..

dual joystick (settled)

things i must get when i came back alive

okaley <-- did i get tat right?

i had another dream, sell cheapest okaley,....hahhahahahahahhahahaha

i got hooked

never knew its such beautiful song till now,....

白键是那一年海的沙滩 浪花的缱绻 黑键是和你多日不见
弹指间 海岸线 你的泪 我的眼 模糊天边
每个人心中都有架钢琴 尘封在回忆 任凭我只是你的插曲
时间偶尔提起 钢琴偶尔哭泣 那些凌乱片段
如果爱还能再重来 我期待澎湃永远在
oh~~每次琴盖打开 便有歌来自大海
如果爱我已不存在 我希望有一段精采 让回忆有所感慨
白键是现在我爱到昨天成全你改变 黑键是原谅我的原谅
好想再弹一遍 手指却只听见 你的抱歉

你在哪里?这些年来如意不如意 ??
还快乐?还单纯?还美丽 ??
时光如何对你 ??



我很想你听见了吗? Woo~

我在哪里?你会不会偶尔好奇 ??
有没有曾经怀疑 ??