little one

Wednesday, January 26

falling asleep,...

had trouble sleeping yesterday,..dutywatch,...with two person snoring side by side you,although its not loud,.but it is still irritating,....its cold,...and your mind is filled with ghosts stories,..the room is so dark,..your nose is stuck here and there depends on which side of your body you are sleeping on,...

enough of the ramblings, to bed,...night night

Monday, January 17

ramblings of the weekend,.....

wanna learn to bake a cake,.....and b e master cake maker,...
wanna open a cake+coffee house like tat in Antique,...tat opens from noon to one am,..
wanna own an inn beside the sea,..(not in tsunami area)
wanna be an artistic painter,..(i don see much of a use here)
wanna be a writer,..(so ppl will have e same thoughts like mine)
wanna be someone who ran a marathon before,.(so i know how the other runners torture themselves)
wanna be a songwriter,.(so i can hear my own lyrics on e radio,.and ppl sing them in ktv,..)

don wants anymore,...

zookeeper,..(cos it stink terribly..all e fleas,..and flies,.and you can get a bad hair day,.every single day)
hotel manager,..(cos i feel tat i don like to do service for unreasonable,..proud,. bad tempered ppl,..i'll show them wat is bad tempered instead)

found tat,..i don have a hobby,..a hobby that i really like,...a hobby that help me to past time,,.like tat of my bro and his "wife"..ya,..i don have one,..!!!!
how can that be,..must find a hobby soon,..

things that does not consider to be a hobby

okay ,..had enough of toking rubbish, to bed,..happy day all,...^_^

Thursday, January 13

,.....pissed pissed pissed,..all over,....

okay,..okay,..okay,..okay,..okay,....okay,..calm down,....

calm down,....

anyway,....its just a few,...THOUSANDS!!!,....
i f y a a g u y y o u s h o u l d s t a n d u p t o y o u r
s h * t * * * * * *
"yyyyyy!!!" ammmm,..iiii,..reeeeaaarrrriiinngggg uuurrrr ssssoooonnnnnnn,...????????

sometimes i feel like walking through those doors,.
..give him a punch on his face,....den,..he'll know
tat i've grown up,.
and he should wake up,.
and they ,..
would know tat,.
i'm not the baby,.
they once knew
tat e gd thing bout growing up,..
,..the only good thing...

forgive me for being too violent,.its e fire within,.
pass me the hose,..
"take it" "take it"
calm down ,..calm down,....calm down,....
hear no evil,..


somebody stop me,.... - mask
mom's on e phone - as usual,.hehehe, loud as ever,.
grams,..sleeping,..(sweet dreams)
bro's,.slamming his wife, usual,(hope the string break,
his face),...
dad,...snoring his hard life away,.(it should not b tis way)
aunt,...i have no idea,..(where is she,...??)
lost in e other dimension,...

dear bro,..i really wish you and ur wife,..will make
it big on e stage,..wen tat time comes,..i'll learn drums,.
and learn to sing,...

to jen:
"what the hell"
hahahahha,...very long ah the post,....^_^

p.s. ,..i need a dog, go for a walk with,....

weewoo,....where the hell are youu,...????????

Wednesday, January 5

babbling with no endings,'s a bored

,......had a very "plain" day ,...grams back in muar,.
bro's slamming his "wife" again,..wife with a powerful mouth,.
able to produce noise as loud as e elephant,.hope someday,.
bro will have his own stage,..well,..i wanna be on that stage too,.
if that day comes,..okay,..pass me a needle pls,..

miss today's rugby ,..actually,.its the distance, far away,.
had a long time din "hit" my "husband", particular piece
that i wanna feel like playing,...have not play a single piece
for like,...years,....never had the patience,..its just like
my handwriting,..can never be read,..

the best time capsule is,..some kind of a stone,.where the
ancient mosquitoes can be found,..

finally,..i can see the sun,.for a longer period of time,.
totally, ,..need, learn sth new,..
haven been having "flying" dreams,..i had quite a lot,.compared to
my other friends,..

twice,.i flew down a carpark,..those that keeps on turning&turning,
round&round to different levels,.
once,..i was in the classroom,.sat on my textbk;which is sort
of small in terms of buttable,..told my frens to
do the same ,..but i guess i am too occupied,..and i flew up
up and away,.from the dinosaur approaching,..

all of my flying requires some sort of kick start,.
the carpark ones,.i have to run down,.and jump,..and get the lift
classroom,..i have to shout and think hard,..

wats my moment of truth,.??? i have no idea,..

i miss my bike,..totally "boiling" inside,e anger is still
steaming , can "he" be like tat,..totally 0 tolerance
and 0 respect for him,..don fit to b in his midcrisis
he should go back to primary one,..oh god,.help me
forgive this ")$^*)&*%&)" ,.."@#(%&P($&^"..i might and will
erupt in front of him,(i'm just so good at tat)..
he has been on my nerve,..bullying
my possessions,.off book of respect,.my poor bike,..
please take good care of
my bike

yeah,..tml's thurs,....good night my friends,..
may i wake up early for a morning jog,.if ya reading this
i don mind you give me some aspiring(dunno how to spell)
words to punch me off the bed through the
handphone,.,..i totally in need of it,.
thank you,..

ohh,.make tat 4.30,,..

flying away,...

Monday, January 3

daily ramblings,....

woke up and "oh my gosh,..its about 11",...breakfast was
3 big cubes of tofu,..rice,. a packet of caramel popcorn with milk,.
persimons,.lots of dem,.poke the tv button,.."days of our life,.."
"ah cheng,.." - boring shows,.at one,..fell asleep while listening to music,.

had the exact dream,.for the second time,..i moved house,..
this new house have got no walls in the kitchen..(you can fall right
onto the first floor,...) the thing is that,..there is a slope,..all e way to
the first floor, the middle bet the slope and the kitchen floor,.is the hole
to drop you to the first floor,..being me,. i, down
this very steep slope,.to i have no idea which floor,..and the problem is ,.i can't
climb up,..."should i shout help?",.i was trying to climb up while i heard the
phone ringing,...let it ring for quite some time before i pull myself up,....

Sunday, January 2


do ya feel,...tat,..sometimes,.....
you ,..r.....being pulled back,......
from ,..running,...forward,......
e road ahead,.....can b, nice,.
but,..u can't go there,...
not yet,.....