little one

Sunday, October 1

good evening

good evening,...happy sat and sun,...^_^ doing nothing much,..really wasting my time away,...ran through ppl's blog,..seeing how they write down their daily day to day happenings,..
wat they do and stuff,.how they feel,...

sudden felt,.that humans r so,....weak emotionally,....including me, weak dayo,...worst den animals out there,..

maybe i do, my feelings down too,...i think i do,..

some ppl write down their feelings openly
some don,..
some don even blog
some find blogging letting ppl know bout their thoughts

well,...don't know how true each person really is when blogging,..

surely i won blog bout my real emotions,..
that will be too,.....
how to let ppl know how weak or how strong you r,..?
i don't
surely don't wan ppl to know,...

i loved this midi file,...oh sooo sweet,...
dunno wat is the title though

22 year old lor,....
wat have i been doing the past 22 years,...
but,..lots and lots of good memories though,..overall,...very good life,..a very meaningful past,..very sweet and bitter at the same time,..i think the bitter part will turn into something sweet someday,...dunno when that day will come,..looking fwd to that,..or maybe it will live with me all together forever,...oh my ,..

met all the people that shape my life for me, good,..can't name all,..too many le,.some of which i have forgotten,...their names,..even looks,..only vague memories of their figures,..and vague memories of their words,..

current status: looking fwd to meeting more ppl in life that will help me shape my life,..
think life is just bout meeting ppl,..and learning bout yourself,...that is all ba,..

am i too positive,..seems that there is no really sad or negative things that can really make one die,..sad things do happen,..but soon, day , will turn into something good,..or something good will happen that make you wanna live again,..

ya,..i know when i will be really really really sad,....the day when i die ba,..(for now i say this la,..),..cos life is so good now and everything is so,,..that if,..i were to go to a forever sleeping session ,..and leave all i have behind me,...,...that is,...the real sad,...

sometimes,..i do wish something bad or very very sad will happen, at least i have an idea how it really feels,..and to see how i will react, ..will i survive?? will i crush and fall,..who will be there really to give a helping hand,..??? ..seems to me that i am in this safe secure surroundings,..isn't this a world where everyone thrive to survive,..isn't this the cold world where living is so tough,,..i think i am not really living in the real world yet,...

can't wait to come out,.life will be harder den,...hahaha,..i think i am sick,...i really am,..

okay okay,..maybe i am wrong,...humans, is not so much of survival, least not so in this part of the world, is more on mental survival, the life you want,..learning not to see so much of how other ppl think,..learning not to be affected by toopid ppl,..learning to be stronger mentally,...physically strong is only the exterior for our body to be able to hold on,..but it is the menal that controls everything,..

human, is all about mental survival,...

i am still a kid,...happy children's day,.. teenage mutant nijia turtle,turtles in the hard shell,..turtle power,....oh man,..miss the turtles, favourite,..the purple one with the stick,...

nono,...i am not a coco power ranger person,..

yes,..i love hi 5

oh i adore barney

i love you ,.you love me,..we're great friends as friends should be ,.with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you,...will you say you love me too,.HAHAHAHA

not much of a care bear,..or smurf person,..

oh,..i love captain planet,..

and ,.......i love caiilou,..

okok,...i know the barney thing is still creating an impact on you,...but,..wats wrong with the purple dinosaur,..???

its a friendly rex you know,...and he will transform into a smaller version when the show ends,..


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