little one

Saturday, July 30



have u ever reach to a stage where you don't know whether you are happy or sad or, r just normal,...

happy or not,...sad or not,...normal or not,...i know it will all turn out, be beautiful,.....

still sitting on my *ss as days goes by,.....something is missing,....i don't know wats that,....

am anticipating for something, living my life,..looking forward to things tat r going to happen in the next few days and so on,.....and that i can't rest myself,...i am here but not here, know wat i mean,...?? just here but not here,...somewhere far far away,...or up in the sky,...with some non-controllable wings...flapping away from my body,..... " flap " " flap " flap "

yes,..24 hrs is not enough, day i shall color the sun black,...

finally i had the sweetest dream i ever had,....hahahahhahahahahahhahaha,.......if you have a good dream ,..don say it out, won come true,...i'm keeping my mouth tight ,...

one more section to go and my training is history,...luck has been with me,..all the time,.... ohh,..thank u,..

how can a picture be so captivating,.how could something that is drawn by hand,..on paper with some colors, so mesmerising <-- think i spelled it incorrect,..isn't it powerful,...

my so call english has leaped off the hill, day you shall find me speaking like someone who is not english educated,...

my legs r crying,..i want a night for my legs,...
"just one night,.." la la la ala ala al al aaala

Tuesday, July 26

,...... ^_^

i ,..really should be sleeping,...and studying my systems,..

miss my jogsssss,....
*diot,....waiting for end of training,...and posted,..

waiting for my days of night jogs to return,....

am sleepy as i type,...

looking forward to iraq,...hope tat comes true, wanna go wanna go,...

pray pray pray,....^_^

tml still got assessment,*t,..was not prepared at all,....

day by day, by day,...

i don wan to live my days just like tat,....must find something to do,...

"think think think"

starving to do some reading,...get in touch with myself,...
"i dislike stairs"
"i dislike doors,..unless it auto open and close,.."
"i need more calcium"
" i want,... a week off work, looking forward"
" i miss being a waitress,...rainforest cafe,...and the months after o levels,..."
i could not keep track of the things i've been doing,...

can you believe that i'm floating on the water more den 8 hours a day,...
i couldn't,..
now coveralls are beginning to be part of my skin,...

i never seem to be able to feel the same old feelings anymore,...just like being trapped,....

"my dreams r getting so life like", i actually dreamt of the QM piping for me,..twice since i came onboard...wish that the sandman knocks into my dreams tonight and scatter something different this night,...i don care if i end up sleepy tomorrow,...i'll just leave it for myself to complain tomorrow,...

i need a special weird dream tonight,....

i shall not like mondays anymore,....i shall look every single day as a new day to a new week,...who create mondays to sundays,...? there should not be any days,...everyday should be the same,....just like mondays,..i love mondays,.... "many ppl are gonna say i'm crazy" mondays are good aren't they,...e start of a new week,...ops,..

i finally understand the false sense of energy losing when i'm stressed out,...

when is e end of the world,...somehow,..i can't feel this kind of sadness..or negative feelings...i felt so positive to the edge that i'm feel that i'm faking being blue,.. sad,...

how sad can one really be,....?

i need my bed now,....werid dreams everyone,...

Sunday, July 10

see saw



life is like a see-saw,...up and down ,..up and down ,..up and down,..up and down,..up and down,..up and down,...up and down,...up and down,..up and down,.up and down,..up and down,...........up and down,.... just,...UP and DOWN,.....

up and down,...up and down,....

needs more jogging,..really really really,....let me jogggg,....

back to the future,...^_^

Saturday, July 9

la vie en rose ,...^_^

La musique par Louiguy
Les paroles par Edith Piaf

Des yeux qui font baiser les miens,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche,
Voila le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.

Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.

Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.

C'est lui pour moi. Moi pour lui
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat

Des nuits d'amour a ne plus en finir
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
Des enuis des chagrins, des phases
Heureux, heureux a en mourir.

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.

Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.

Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.

C'est toi pour moi. Moi pour toi
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat

another version

Hold me close and hold me fast.
This magic spell you cast;
this is la vie en rose.

When you kiss me, heaven sighs.
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose.

When you press me to your heart,
I'm in a world apart.
A world where roses bloom.

And when you speak,
angels fly from above.
Everyday words seem to turn
into love songs.

Give your heart and soul to me.
Babe, it's gonna be
La vie en rose.

Mmm, when you press me to your heart,
I'm in a world apart.
A world where roses bloom.

And when you speak,
angels fly from above.
Everyday words seem to turn
into love songs.

Give your heart, your soul to me.
Babe, it's gonna be
La vie en rose.

Des yeux qui font baiser les miens,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche,
Voila le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.

Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.

Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.

C'est lui pour moi. Moi pour lui
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat

Friday, July 1


^_^ ,.......

ma mae mo, mae mo, mae moomoo

can't wait for ojt to end,....hahahaha

well,...i've not change,...just merely becoming more of myself,...but ,..others just don get it,...^_^ hahahaha,...i'm more me, is more me now,...

things undergoing and to do after ojt,.

go back muar to spent time wif aunt,..n coffeeshop,..
do something about my new "focus" in life,...(still struggling to start)
do more jogging, counteract the idiotic fried food onboard,..
convert favourite milk into soya (so very hard)
read more,....
stop spoiling the tv
cultivate the habits i wan to
do more writing,.
stop sleeping on the mrt,..
dl more songs
learn something new other den things onboard, BAKING,...which i've been talking for wat seem like years....
new longer jogging routes,..
tidy up my space
pick up basic to a new language,...HOPE SOO,..!!!
play pac man,..

wats the use of having ppl to analyse on strategies if there is nothing much they can do about it,...??

yes,...i type too much and do too little,...
i'm like an engine that is air lock,..

navy,..the heat the noise and the sai,..hahahahahahahahahaha,...okay la,..jus joking,..

next year's coming,....yeah,...

day by day,..

(Original Korean Version by Choi, Joon-Young and Im)

* I just can't understand the ways, Of all the men and their mistakes. You give them all your heart, and then they rip it all away...

- You told me how much you loved me, And how our love was meant to be. And i believed in you, i thought that you would set me free...


You should've just told me the truth, That i wasn't the girl for you... Still i didn't have a clue, So my heart depended on You... Whoah

Although i'll say 'i hate u' now, Although i'll shout and curse you out... I'll always have love for you, Because i am a girl

* Been told a man will leave you cold, Get sick of you and bored... I know that it's no lie, I gave my all still i just cry. Never again will i be fooled, to give my all when nothing's true... I won't be played again, but i will fall in love again...

You should've just told me the truth, That i wasn't the girl for you... Still i didn't have a clue, So my heart depended on You... Whoah

Although i'll say 'i hate u' now, Although i'll shout and curse you out... I'll always have love for you, Because i am a girl

--- I loved u so... now u leave me in the cold, How could this be, i thought that u'd only love me... Into the night, i will pray that you're alright.. You hurt me so, I can't let u go ---


You took advantage of my willingness to do anything for love, Now i'm the only one in pain... will you please take it all away~ Oh~


Never thought born being a girl, How i can love you and be burned... And now i will build a wall, to never get torn again~

Although i'll say 'i hate u' now, Although i'll shout and curse you out... I'll always have love for you, Because i am a girl

Although i'll say 'i hate u' now, Although i'll shout and curse you out... I'll always have love for you, Because i am a girl