little one

Monday, July 26

Jayemos at 26 months

Jayemos's independents starts to grow,..
Jayemos still insist on going his way.
Jayemos will say No NO NO nOnonononononon if you try to transit him too quickly from one place to another,..
Jayemos love singing and knew many songs... Old macdonald, how much is that doggie in the window,..liang zhi lao hu, happy birthday song, once i caught a fish alive, twinkle twinkle little star, row row row your boat,..etc etc,
Jayemos running skill can be compared with Daddy's,.
jayemos loves soup,..
Jayemos loves bread,..
Jayemos's hunger strike ended,..
Jayemos loves drawing,..
Jayemos insist we climb up the playground with him,..
Jayemos is possesive of his toys and games and would fight with anyone who want to snatch it from him,...even someone double his size,.
Jayemos is now 93.5cm and weighs around 15-16kg,.
Jayemos loves to read and would demand not to go bed at all,..
Jayemos knows his shapes like square, circle, semi circle, triangle, rectangle, diamond, heart, oval,..
Jayemos stand in his time out zone with his hands on his head once,..
Jayemos knows what sound to make when mummy ask him "what sound does the sheep makes?" he knows about the cat, dog, goat, monkey, car, train, bicycle, motorbike, frog,elephant, rooster, duck,...and even iphone,..
Jayemos knows that a is for alot of things like airplane,,...ants,..b is for balloon, bear, ball,..c is for cat,...d is for dog...e is for elephant, ear,..f is for fish,...feet.,.g is for giraffe,...goat,..h is for head,.hat.,.hair,..happy,.i is for ice cream,..j is for jump,.jayemos,.k is for kick,..l is for lion,..m is for monkey,..mummy.. o is for octopus,.. t is for tiger...u is for umbrella,..y is for yellow,.and z is for zebra,..

we love you jayemos