little one

Friday, September 26

i'm back,...project thing should go on just fine if we are following the plan,....pray pray,..that everything will turn out fine,..-_-,...again, jogging routine was broken by my laziness to jog at night,....and to wake up in the morning,...three days of no jogging,again puts me back to what it was like last week,....hai,...anyways,...will try again starting tonight continue towards next week,...have to have to,...everything is sort of like a routine,...a little boring but i will get used to it,i have to if i'm still going for the marathon next year,...have to at least complete the course,..even better if i can manage it under 4 hours ,....still thinking of what to get for myself, is looking for a job ,..again,..she has a bad knee and still continue trying to work,...what can she work as at her age,..hai,..she should have born me earlier ,.hahaha,somehow,.every family got their own problems,..mine too,.. the jogging thing keeps filling my head,....hmmmm,....but i am so half-hearted,..everytime when things are going great,..i would do something so as that my stamina would go down again,..then back to square one, come that way,....hmmmm,...i kind of like feeling when my stamina improves a little ,.but what i need is a lot of improvement,...ops, one unanswered call,..might be one of my friends,...-_- ,. . .

Monday, September 22

its the third week since school reopens,...haven do any study at all,..hee hee,.have start doing liao ah,...running wise ,..has been slow,...still on ten rounds,...but it seems smoother now,..better then the second week,..struggling,....still have lots of do,.have to try and maintain the routine,...watched jeeper creepers with darling on fri,..not bad,..but there will be jeeper creepers 3 definitely, jus keeps on going, matter what, by day,....this week,this week,..have to maintain my rountine,..don't spoilt it like last week,...still wanting to have my own room to myself,..very badly,...went to liang court with yvette,...thought there will be this japan fair ,..but not too much shown ,..ha,...miss working in rainforest cafe,..and the people there, used to be crowded with people but now no more, more parrots on the curator's shoulder,..there are lots of nice memories though, first working experience,...still trying to figure out what to buy for myself,...somehow i feel like buying something to treat myself,...but i have no idea what i should get,...what i really want,...

Monday, September 15

watched "harriet the spy" yesterday,..its about a girl who loves to spy and write everything down in her spy book and one day her spy book is taken away by a proud classmate and ended up having the privilege to write in spy books taken away from her,....i had a spy book too,...but din really use it,...i love the code words dearly,....but never have the chance to use it and now it is all forgotten,......
learn a few words today
mote-a speck of dust
motif- a theme of important feature in a play/musical/work
motley- of different colors (dress of a jester)
- made of different kinds (a motley crowd)
mottled- marked with spots of many colors/shades
moult- to shed feathers/a skin

found that popo had a talent for cooking veges,...haha,...her veges are better then mom's mom's is a bit oily though,....bro kept going out for jamming with his friends,.wonder when will he ever be a professional musician,...the noise level at home when two aunts,..not forgetting my mom's is so much higher then
the tv, usual i turn the volume higher and they automatically speak as though they are miles away form one another,....even dad went to bed early,...popo seems a little better,..more energetic then the first few days when she just arrived,..why am i blessed with such luck to be sitted with weird ppl around me when i am using the sch com,...?nvm,,..jogging has been smooth but slow,..i have not increase the distance for whole 3 weeks,.. it is just not the time yet, stamina is still so bad,...patience patience,..popo certainly have that,..she measured everything in detail and make sure she knows what she gonna get when we went to the market,...she likes green and wanted every belonging green,..the towel she is using,..the face pail,..the toothbrush,..the comb,..her purse,.everything, i painted trees next to her bedside,..she says green improves her vision,....hope that i fulfill my jogging schedule for this week,...second week,...

Friday, September 12

,........nothing much to do,....let grans see the different programs avaliable at the community centre,...i think the zhenqi qing gong and the taiji quan not bad,.she said she want to join after she come back from taking her things back at muar,....she asked about singing karaoke instead,..i wonder does she have the energy to sing,..lalallala,..

..grans cooked oatmeal for me today,..after mom told her that i loved it,...haha,..very nice,...better than mom's and my own actually,...not forgetting how long she stood in front of the hot pan to keep stiring the oats,....bro had a hard time telling grans not to make breakfast though,.cos bro hardly takes breakfast,...

why did i always take aunt keng for granted,..??? must take care of her more often,..

.its finally friday,.^^ and i gota go jogging,..two days din do tat,..feeling kindof weak,...since mon,....i have been havin happpy days,....wonder when will the sad ones come,....what should i do on sat and sun,..? hmmmmm,.....its quite bored when you cannot have any sidelines,..or else i would still be working in seven heaven,...making coffee and scooping ice-creams,..frying food and poking the cashier,...making fun of liling and then with liling ,..making fun of renee,...and getting aunt joo and ester to yell us out of the tiny kitchen,....clocking in and out and chasing the farmart bus so that we don't have to wait another 45mins to get home, i missed those days,.....^_^,.....

Thursday, September 11

"we believe that we can be somehow truer to ourselves when we are not in our true environment. We may may be terrified to ask for intimacy as we sat in our own living rooms, but are convinced that the simple act of boarding a flight of over a thousand miles will loosen our tongues and make us suddenly able to see deeply into the soul of another and discover them looking back at us with fascination and surprise. And in some ways, we're right. " -----judith babcock wylie

"As we pack our travel wardrobe, we pack a new attitude, one more open, more vulnerable, more willing to be touched by who and what we see,.........For most of us, loosened from the strictures of home rules and away form the eyes of those who know us as we've always been, taking small chances in the essence of the advantureous travel experiences,......learning life lessons in a foreign language,....." --------judith babcock wylie

"Many people think we travel to rush out into crowds of people, but most of us travel to travel within. There is no more quiet and central space than the anonymity of being in a foreign place without ties or obligations.

In quiet moments sitting alone at a cafe, looking down on a village from the edge of a cliff, or in the suspended peace of a soaring cathedral, we can pause to look back with objectivity and forward with intelligence,..with distance we can see patterns, themes, and questions our life has posed to us and sometimes, in a faraway place, the answers will come"-------judith babcock wylie

words that i agreed with ,..from a book in the library,..the one i thought i would never finish reading,..really must get grans somthing to do,..something to enjoy,...something outdoors,..and to pick up some friends,....she ironed all our clothings,....haiiiiiiiiiiiiiii , must be hard for her,...switching from the busy coffeeshop to a nothing to do place,...

Tuesday, September 9

finally,..grandma is staying, get the immigration thingy done yesterday,.still waiting for approval,...enjoyed _____'s birthday lots,...,..ate at a sushi place,..the food is not bad,..and not too crowded,...then went to watch the pirates of the caribbean,..very nice show,...finally do some cleaning to my room and the toliets,...cycled to mom's work place ,..she seemed to be quite content working there,..then made a stop at ______'s house,...and read the cute comic on turning left,turning right,...______ came to my house later and we painted the walls of my room with pictures of what we wanted,.. ...later went to ________house ,...her ______ is there,...and we chatted about the gilmore girls and redecorating the room, started as usual,..nothing special,..getting maths paper later,...hope that i will pass,....*pray,....pray*,.....jogging is still slow,...don't dare to increase the distance,... had again dreams of my teeth falling off,....this time is my two front tooth,...and how i tried to stick them back,..^^ haha,...frightening to have the tooth coming off, come i kept having dreams of falling teeths,...-_-,....?? wonder whats granny doing,..she must be bored ,..trapped in the house with lots of technology beyond her understanding,..have lots to teach her around the house,...think the only entertainment is tv,...i really should sign her up in some taichi programe , she can make friends around her age in singapore,...and be healthier,..hee hee maybe knowing another good old man ,..and start her second romancing period,.....^_^ sorry grandpa,....!!!!,..

Friday, September 5

^_^ dl a lot of jap songs,..get cute songs from szewei,..^^ haha,..morning cycle to jurong interchange,..enjoyed a lot,...not everytime get to do that,...mum dont allow,..but i like to sneak in for the thrill, key dropped into the drain,..and had a hard time pulling out the metal drain casing,,....on the verge of giving up,...lucky i can pull it out, usual third year project meeting,..not all present,..we din do much,..or discuss much,..everyone's in hol mood i guess,feel sore while cycling back...cousin bought mooncake,..not the same as the rest i have eaten before, is soft with a mint taste,..but too sweet,...-_-,..had hawker dinner,..^^ long time din eat hawker food,...bought mixed rice,..the seller gave me little brocolli,..arghhh,.. kinki songs , the beat wor,..^^ hai,..tomorrow still have to wake up early,...very early, starting soon,..must do my study and focus on my jogging also,..hmm,..less tv less tv,..^_^
granny coming on sat,...^_^ ,..haven clean room for her stay,..finally she is coming ,..all the anticipation, fast, gonna start again,...its already friday, has been a fast week for me, i wish i have a week more,..decided to go for a dental check up,..haha,..having my first wisdom tooth,..tough to reach that little bud,...hope it will grow properly,..i really don want to endure the pain of taking it out,....hai sat morning go to go back camp,...-_-,...waste time,....jogging quite smooth,..but not up to the previous sort of running enjoyment and addiction,..must improve,..what a daily struggle for now,.have to endure it for a month,...then i hope ,..smooth sailing,...borrow a library book ,.and as before,..din have the patience to finish it ,...i became bored,..after a few chapters,..about 100 rounds around the stadium,..its hard,...when can i even reach,..??,... --ray romano-- -Paula Radcliffe- ,...... hikaru yaotome's in yayayah now,..haha, ,...kawaii ,.....^_^,...and yabu too,..haha,..,...

Tuesday, September 2

,....feel like buying something or rather spending some $$$,...i dun usually spent $$$ though ,..but now i really feel like it,.....what should i get,....i have almost everything that i need,....the rest is just for comfort,....

1. a tv for my room,.....

but i'm trying to watch less tv, how,..should i,...?its cheap,..a small one will do,.i am tried of watching in the living room,...i can't watch what i want when we have guest around,....i dislike the feelings that my bro can sit cosy in his room while i have to, the hall,...

do i really need a tv,.........?

2. a mini hi-fi ,...

well i need the music, is one of the best choices,..but i am not the type that like to buy lots of cds, it would be a waste,.....

3. visit to the dentist

it has been a long long time since i last have my teeth checked,...i need a check on my new wisdom tooth,..and a teeth-whitening

4. an mp3 player

but cousin said that it is illgeal to download,....and i am not the type that need music when i am out,....

5. maybe i should get myself an animal,....bird,.? amphibian,...? how i wish i can have a dog,......and i can name him/her weewoo,..........ahhhhhh,...

but what if they die,..***************-_-

6. invest in computer,..?

nah,...for what,...basic is enough,..i dun want to be a com freak

7.get sth for others,...?

nan,.....its time for me,...

what do i really really want,......??

oh my ,...thinking deeply,..there is nothing much i wanna get for myself,.. ...
HOW WEIRED,.....!!!

so,...i'm back on track,...just starting to go jogging routine ,...again,..^_^ not so smooth,..but gradually becoming constant,.. ... haaaa,.feeling of accessing internet is so ,.....^_^ ,..its a cold and happy day,...

Monday, September 1

Finally, is back to normal,..^_^ but surely not at tip top condition,...xp sure lag a lot,..-_- who cares,..well the hols,..but only for a week,...haaa,..........granny's not coming till next month, has been always next month , month, month,..when is she coming,...the bed is rotting,..and lack of human warmth,..