little one

Sunday, May 28




e ice-creams every shore leave,..
e stars,...e shotting stars on the illegal trip to the flight deck
biscuits and korean shows,..
miss milk - at least a litre a day
miss tea
miss cafe and miss beer,...
e working over 24 hours ,...
e chinese meal we had
e pita cum moutable we loved
e badmiton we played on the tank dk
e basketball we played on the welldk
e cold in the first and e hot in the end
e 51 degree in FF suit
e 40 degree and still jogging rds on the flight dk
e cake
e birthday songs
staff weiwei,..and CAIS, of cos,..ashley and sgt xiaopang
still staff weiwei,...aka e hatch xiao jie,..wes po 6,..mian bao chao ren den lao puo
e clearing of water in ahu 8
e ahus at every port,...
my poor section ic and 2nd ic,...
e feeling of so many tasks to do in my head,..
e feeling of jogging back home when on the trendmill
e feeling of shopping in orchard when shopping there
e feeling of shopping with vette when shopping wif shipcrew
e feeling of NTUC when shopping in carrefour
e feeling of watching movies with dar when smelling popcorns
e feeling of unable to see e faces when hearing e voices
e feeling of unable to use friendster when online
e feeling of unable to listen to songs when i have my mp3
e feeling of having same food always ,...
e feeling of leaving every port
e feeling tat every ME is the same at every ship,..tired
e feeling tat everyone just wan to go home,.....and many more,..
its crazy,...but fun,...just for once,..

conculsion,...i won make a good sailor,..nor a wanderer,...nor someone to go oversea studies,...nor someone to work in other countries,...aiyo, weak sia,...bue tahan,..cannot set up cafe le,...ido*t,...trapped in xin jia po,..hahahaa,....


Saturday, May 27

i am back,...^_^

yeah,..i am home sweet home la,....

already miss staff weiwei,....and the air onboard,....for sure i would not want to sail for another 4 months ever, is so,....lonnnnnngggggg,....... ....... ........

^_^ need to sleep,....wan an everybody,......

i miss my music,.....toopid mp3 spoilt,.....> < ,... cannot listen to moi favorites,...

hahaha,...lucky com. still have some of other favorites,...

i wan to hear.,.i wan to sleep,...give me a pillow,...

i need to bath,...

Sunday, May 14

months have passed

hi all, has been so long since i last posted,..i am now back in bahrain,....heading back singapore soon, i miss home,...the jogging route,..hahahhahahaha,..^_^
i wonder wat i have missed out back in singapore,...seems like a time stand still for me,...
now den i know singapore is good,...or rather,..home is good,..really good,..hahahahah

well,...not much time left to blog,...ciao,......