little one

Sunday, October 31

after the third week! ^_^

found that i'm getting used to the life of mental blockage,...^_^,....

after living together with the batch gers,...all of them have their very distinct character,....including me,..there is a certain that i have a problem with some of their "character" but as i formed up the "YAYAYA" and the "inside-out" thinking ,..maybe they have the same way about each other and me too,...

duty is no fun,...not when you meet mr ng,...

a nice gesture: " when your younger juniors are having a tough busy time trying to get used to the life onboard, spread bread and pass it to them"


"GIVE" N you will be "GIVEN"

run more,..and i will be able to run more,....HAHAHAHAHHAHA,.....really,..i think this way ,........... .... .. .. . . . . . . . . . ..

"guys can be more "ma fan" den gers" not being female chauvinist,..though it is not a bad thing,..

toliets in camp,..are cleaning den my home ones,...

guys and gers talked about the same capacity when they are bored,..

"all jobs are greener on the other side,..just be content,.."

"music is great,.^_^" wow,...

i am talking louder den ever,...i have no idea why,..maybe my grams cannot hear that clearly,...or i wan to be heared,..?? (NO WAY)

me myself and irene,..tonight,...

once i go jtqt,..ojt,..jrc is,..a blessing,..for now,.it is sort of 'hai',.

my pull ups,..are not standard,,...myself,.

i miss sitting in front of the tv,...miss typing,.....dots,... miss,...being at home,...miss,...having too much time at home,....


a simple thing like punching hole,....can be quite a fuss,..when two ppl are trying to do together, piss me off,,..either you do it,..or i do it,...

next time need to punch another hole,..i must siam,......

sometimes i just don feel like talking ,...even smiling, some of my smiles,..can be a little "fake" ,..

i know it is your character,..and you don meant that way,..but i ,...cannot stand the way you talk at times,....its,..sort of,....smoking,......

have not learn,...patience ,....patience,...patience,.....and one side in,..another side out,...

keblankan pusing,.........Ops,..

just 10 secs,........ ..... .... . . . .i want my 200 bucks,.......shit,..idiot,..dammm,....hahhhhh,.wat a waste,..

romance pls,..

Saturday, October 23

jean in the house,..^_^

yoyoyo,..hows everybody,....??

so many days of,..

not touching com
not watching teevee
not rubbishing with my rubbish friends
my old time girl-friends, jen,.vette,..wei,..lots of others,..
not seeing family
my parents nags,..
not hearing my bro's guitar and death music
no music ,..
lost in touch with the outside world
toking rubbish
siaming officers and warrants,..

there is serious mental blockage,....together with one up my nose,..

watch for me,...coming tuesday night 10pm,..dunno title,...some adam sandler show,.....okie,..

i've never tok so much crap in my life,..just to waste time,...but have to crap,..y? because,...your brain will freeze up and you will feel like a thousand year old zombie if you don,...WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHa

overall,....good ,....

wow wow yeah yeah,.....

ims + into = neti = "bayi" in the morning = "left left left right left" in 8/8 timing = sh*t = better don get pick out,..


stay healthy all,...flu free,...^_^,..

Sunday, October 10

bombings in my head,..

my head's giving me headache from too much rest,...
slept like a cat,...

i felt as though i just drank the whole ocean down my throat,...bloating my stomach,...dry on my throat,...

my body is cold, head is hot, throat is dry like desert, head weighs like a ton,..i don feel like eating,..once i dropped a near 10kg for having a fever,...tears nearly washed my face when i was told tat i have to have my blood taken out for degune(dunno how to spell) fever test,..

sorry about complaining ,.it just makes me feel better,....tis a gers thing,..

thanks to my personal "nurse" serene,..hahahaha,...

bro's listening to jap songs,..which resembles malay slow songs,.....

Saturday, October 9

sat night fever

i'm back,.......yeah!!!!!!!,....homey sweety homey,..

know more about virgos,...hahaha,...

i hate being sick,....i hate pills,..i hate drinking lots of water,..i hate staying in bed all day,...

have to jump the three metres again ah,*t

it oct,.............

next year's coming,......

cant't wait for fire fighting,...^_^ ,...two more of my friends are now in the navy,..


sat night fever

i'm back,.......yeah!!!!!!!,....homey sweety homey,..

know more about virgos,...hahaha,...

i hate being sick,....i hate pills,..i hate drinking lots of water,..i hate staying in bed all day,...

have to jump the three metres again ah,*t

it oct,.............

next year's coming,......

cant't wait for fire fighting,...^_^ ,...two more of my friends are now in the navy,..

Sunday, October 3

sat night

went to service,..sameo rocky as the ones i've went before,..just more,..of a ,.."hahahha" compared to the others,...finally feeling less of being in a cult,..cos having jen there,..make the difference,...*right jenny,..pls don move,..k,..wanna move,.?? move to the unit above me,..hahha* anyway,..finally understood why they hold their hands in the air,..*like allah like tat* less,..sitting and standing sitting and standing, much of difference,..compared to ten years ago,....however,..i quite like the old times,.when the bible seem like a dictionary,..and i never quite understand the words,..where the pastor,..dress like a pastor,..and talks like a teacher,..we sang,..not rock,...although i "shouted" most of the time,.."amen" and well,.never felt embarrassed and never quite understand the meaning,..cos its the only word,..i am about to follow through,..

still rem,..fav times where christmas,..visited homes instead,..and was treated with farts,...first campbell soup,..and exposure to gifts that where given to me,..*just to know tat i had to present it to the elderly later* how sad,.,...but compared to the "certificate" i am awarded later, see my name,..apparently spelt wrongly ,..tian si ,..?????? down into the dumps it goes,..but the memory,.the moment being awarded,..just spending time with the 'too much onion or garlic ladies " or maybe its the name,...well,....

watch beethoven tomorrow,...also pearl harbour,...

miss two days of jogging,.and FAH,...

missed the rainforest cafe days,....
grams in the house,...
i hate,...flex arm hang,....for now,..
