2004 is made up of 365 days,..each having 24 hours, 12 of which are night time hours, which add up to a total of 182 days.
This leaves you with 183 days to work, minus off 52 sundays which leaves you 131 days to work, minus another 52 saturdays which leaves you 79 days to work.
3 hours each days are set aside for eating, 1 hour for bath,going to the toliet, which adds up to 6o days , which leaves you only 19 days for working.
You are entitled to 15 days for your vacation which means you have four days left for work.Minus three days, you usually take off due to illness or other emergencies, which leave you only one day to work , which happens to be labour day which is a holiday,...so,...why are you tired????
The person who came up with this must be a person who never have to work,...
imagine having a 8-5 job,
8.00 - just stepped into the office/ just begin to settle down (surely you won get right down to work at eight sharp)
8.10 - starting to warm up your engine by looking through where you last end yesterday
8.15 - you are just about to start your day's first task
8.20 - then you spent this five minutes lamenting on how tired you are from yesterday's lack of sleep
8.30 - you look at the clock,...and wasted another 5 mins commenting on how early it is,...(add another min if its a monday)
8.45 - you get down to doing work for a few minutes,....where after that you started to look around,.....
9.00 - 5 minutes wasted when you stop and get pissed off that only an hour has gone by,....
9.20 - you manage to focus on work for 20mins,..
9.25 - your brain wonders off day dreaming,....happy tat you are getting focus on your day's task and break is coming in half and hours time,...
9.45 - did another 10 mins of work and begins to think about topic to talk on and food to take during the break
9.50 - since it is near 10 o'clock break, why not leave few minutes earlier so you don have to wait so long in the queue later,..
10.00 - you are glad ,...its ten and you get to rest your mind off "work" ,..enjoy this "short" break ,...and chat up with friends about latest gossip,..
10.20 - 20 minutes' up,...you better stand up from tat table and head back to the office,.....
10.25 - somehow you forgot to visit the toliet,....makes a detour (add another 5 mins if you are a lady)
10.35 - you rushed back to the office,...and relieved tat not everyone's back,...thinking tat they are more of a slacker then you
10.40 - you have settled back into work
11.00 - in this 20 minutes of work,...you are being interuppted at times with fellow work mates,...phone calls (add 3 more mins if you are a lady)
11.15 - its nearly lunch time soon,......yippee
11.30 - suddenly,..you increase the speed of doing your work,..lunch is coming,....
11.40 - just a sudden,.you stopped and decided to return to work after lunch
11.50 - you took your lunch
12.50 - lunch is over,...you enjoy slowly going back to the office
1.00 - great,.you are ontime,..
1.30 - ,............okay i am tired of writing this,...
Frankie lymon,..^_^ and the teenagers,...... ....
should i ,..?? shouldn't i,..??
yes i should,....
a few more weeks and i 'be off to course,...
peanut butter is good for your heart,...contain good fats,...but,....it gives me zits,...
went to a short visit to vette's house yesterday,..was her com table cool,...jus wat i wanted,..ahhhhhh,..i want tat,....
have also of no use,..cos,..i won be always home,..soon,.
will miss everyone whom i know when i started sailing,............so ,...long,......hahaha
music can just make ya happy aint it,..???? YES!!!
anticipating for 5 working days,.....
have not been jogging,..for,..like,..so ,.many...days,.......
ehhhh,.... although you have been living on this earth for thirty over years,....you still can't learn to control your temper ,....and your temper would still shows ,..cause you are speaking louder and louder,....trying to get the other person to hear you,...can't you wait for your turn,..??
when having more dan a person flaring up with one another in a group,....don talk,..no one will wan to listen,.....cos,..no one can listen in,.