little one

Friday, July 30


In a story set in mainland China before and after the 1949 Revolution, Adeline Yen Mah tells us about growing up doubly unwanted--as a step-child and as a youngest daughter whose mother died soon after giving birth. The early loss of her mother and the inattention of her father, combined with the abuse of a cruel step-mother makes for an interesting story. Despite Falling Leaves: The True Story of an Unwanted Chinese Daughter being non-fiction, comparisons to Amy Tan, a fiction author, seem inevitable to me. Mah's book is far more straightforward in both language and the telling, and in many ways, a lot more disturbing. Here, there are no difficult mothers secretly yearning to be emotionally nearer to their daughters and vice versa. Here, there are no neat endings. Rather, Falling Leaves is about torn relationships, and the bitter divisions between family members that stretch over the course of a lifetime. The Story The author does not immediately begin with her birth, but rather the funeral of her father, survived by his children and his second wife. Right away, we get the idea that Jeanne Yen, Adeline's stepmother, is not a person to be trifled with. She has the lawyer hand them the will, informs them that their father (a well-known and successful businessman) had died penniless, and that the will was therefore void, and instructs the lawyer to take back the wills, unread. It is clear that even after all these years, "Niang" or "Mother", as her children and step-children called her, still has quite a sway over them all. No one questions her. From there, Mah takes us back in time with a description of her ancestors, like her independent Grant Aunt who refused to have her feet bound and broke with tradition to become a successful banker and never married. Mah is very blunt about what roles were expected of women in those times, and the kinds of double standards existing then. Chinese wives, she tells us, were often little more than indentured servants in their husband's households. Mah's own grandmother was told on the eve of her arranged marriage (to a man she'd never met) that from tomorrow onward, she would be the property of her husband's family, to become "the willing p iss-pot and spittoon of the Yens" in order to please her own family. Luckily for her, Adeline's grandfather, or "Ye Ye", was a kind man, and they genuinely fell in love and had many children. Two feature most prominently in the book, the author's strong-minded Aunt Baba and her younger brother, the author's father. Ye Ye was a successful merchant and Aunt Baba worked at Grand Aunt's bank. It was not long before Adeline's father grew up and helped with the family business, marrying a young women who also worked at the bank and having a daughter, three sons, and then, Adeline Yen Mah, the author. For a while, life was enjoyable if not perfect, but everything changed when Adeline's mother dies of an infection after giving birth, and her father remarries a woman named Jeanne Prosperi, a beautiful woman of mixed French/Asian descent. From then on, Adeline's childhood became increasingly hellish. Her new "Niang" was demanding and pushy, stingy with money and displayed preferential treatment to her own children, particularly her son, Franklin. Adeline and her siblings became second-class citizens in their own home, and even their beloved Ye Ye could not help them, as he too, was at the financial mercy of his son and new daughter-in-law. It's an incredibly disturbing story, and Jeanne comes off as a very petty and cruel woman who has no qualms about manipulating her step-children and pitting them against one another for special favors. Adeline's adulthood is no easier than her childhood, and even though she eventually moves to America and finds happiness with a fulfilling job and marriage, the past still haunts her and her story. The Good Stuff Mah's book is very rich in detail, not just personal details like what she ate as a small child and what they did for entertainment, but also historical details. Adeline and her family were present when the Japanese invaded, and they were present at the Communists' victory in 1949. These political changes play a surprisingly small role in the this autobiography, mainly because there was a mini internal war between Niang and her children. That is really the biggest draw, and it's like craning your neck to catch a glimpse of an ugly car accident. There were many times when the bitterness (even after all these years) and implicit blame in Mah's tone leaps from the page. Not that I blame her...Niang sounds like a horrible woman, the very epitome of the Evil Stepmother. She blamed Adeline for just about everything, and often singled her out for special punishment. It's hard for me to identify with this, but the author brings it as close to home as she can. Each chapter is headed with a Chinese phrase which illustrates key scenes or ideas. For example, one chapter is entitled, dian tie cheng jin, or "converting iron into gold" and tells about how the family fortune was made and how Adeline's father became known as a man of success. Another is yi dao liang duan, or "let's sever this kinship with one whack of the knife", when Adeline quarrels with her older sister and challenges her to end the relationship. These are scattered throughout the book and add a wonderful flavor to it. Many are recognizable since there are similar sayings in English (like the Chinese version of "let sleeping dogs lie") and all are easy to understand within the context. Flaws At one point in the book, Adeline's Aunt Baba reflects upon her current plain lifestyle when contrasted to the old days. Although her surroundings are primitive by modern standards, she is content with "coarse tea and plain rice". And that makes sense. Aunt Baba reasons that she is lucky to have a place of her own, and that all the hardships she has suffered were nothing compared to living under Niang's harsh rule. The food and drink is plain, but it fills her stomach. And that is pretty much the way Mah's writing goes as well. Compared to Amy Tan, her prose is plain, indeed. There is very little of the lovely turn of phrase contained in novels like The Joy Luck Club and The Kitchen God's Wife, nothing that makes me pause with my finger on the page and sigh a bit, knowing exactly what the author means or being able to conjure up the exact image she describes. Another thing that bothered me just a little was wondering how big of a grain of salt I should take with this book. It's not that I think the author is lying, exactly, it's just my habit to question. There are very few positive people in this book. Ye Ye is one, even though his influence is weak as he grows older, and Aunt Baba is another. Adeline is also a positive character, although it is clear that her weakness is her family. She never gives up on the hope that they'll reconcile, even when you, the reader, will probably be screaming at her to pull her head out of the sand and face reality. Some people are so poisonous, they're not worth losing sleep over. The end wasn't very uplifting, since I never got the feeling that Mah wholly triumphed over her neediness or Niang. There is some closure as Adeline reflects at Aunt Baba's deathbed. She has the the feeling that life has come full circle, luo ye gui gen, "falling leaves return to their roots". Maybe it's because life is rarely as tidy as fiction, but I don't feel the same kind of return to balance. Recommendations Those shortcomings aside, I was glad I'd read the book. Mah has a different perspective to offer than the fictional works of Amy Tan. Unlike Tan's daughter characters, Adeline was born and raised in China. She speaks the language, she knows its people. The view of life we get from her is arguably more traditional, and it is that way of life which takes precedence, not the conflict between eastern vs. western upbringings. I must warn you that it is incredibly depressing. I'm not short on family spats and ugly quarrels either, but Mah's family takes the cake. As disgusted and disappointed as I was about her oblivious father and disagreeable, spineless and scheming siblings, I was interested and managed to read it in one sitting. Mah doesn't really cover the role of women or daughters in general, and she doesn't discuss the mother/daughter relationship except for one heartbreaking aside: "My mother died two weeks after my birth, with five doctors at her bedside. She was only thirty years old and I have no idea what she looked like. I have never seen her photograph." Maybe this is what keeps me going, places where plain prose fits the situation best. Adeline Yen Mah focuses on her own personal story in unadorned speech, and that is what you get, for better or for worse.

Very nice story,.easy to read,..but very sad, get those tissues,..

Tuesday, July 27


^_^,..i noe ,..its late,..but i am still quite awake,...went kbox with vette jus now,...and sang till my voice's gone,i totally make a fool out of myself,.but ,..its sooo,,.....hahaha,..well,...really enjoyed myself though,..thanks vette,..^^,..

have not been jogging much last week,..must improve this week,..distance i mean,....yaya, i am again,..blabbing about wat improve,.and fall back to zero,...compared to last time, stamina really dropped alot,..determination too,...

i must not eat so much cake and desserts biscuits and stuff,..find tat i 'm begining to have a sweet tooth,*t,..

jus ate, slice of cake + one peanut pancake,..


Sunday, July 25


God of Prophets (January 1 to February 2)
Those born under this sign have a sure talent for recognising Mr./Ms. Right the first time they see him/her - for them it's often a matter of love at first sight. When this happens, usually at a chance meeting in public places like shopping malls or restaurants, you can attract him/her by radiating happiness. You'll find it will captivate him/her -
 God of the Sacred Nile (February 3 to March 4)
Better known as the Crocodile god, Suchos guarded the treasures of ancient Egypt. Those born under this sign are attracted by beauty, and ancient wise men warned them not to be blinded by it. "Look beyond an attractive appearance and find the real man beneath" they warned, "Listen to your heart, instead of what your eyes tell you." -
 God of Fertility (March 5 to April 9)
If you were born under this sign, don't expect to fall in love at first sight. Those ruled by Osiris need time for love to put down roots in their hearts, but it will grow stronger until it blossoms into a romance that will last a lifetime. -
God of Truth (April 10 to May 2)
Ptah' s people are very sincere and have to be careful to avoid being hurt in romance. You'll find your Mr/Ms Right practically on your doorstep because you've known him/her for a long time. Because he's / she's a down-to-earth type who appreciates sincerity, he'll / she'll be attracted to you sooner or later, so don't be pushy when you recognise him /her. -
God of Life (May 3 to June 16)
The hawk-headed god rules a fickle sign - those born under it have roving eyes and a passionate nature. Life for them is finding a series of Mr/Ms Rights, and they have no trouble doing it. For true romantic happiness, you need a very strong, steady type of man/woman who can tame your restless spirit and still give you the excitement you crave. -
Goddess of True Love (June 17 to July 21)
Beautiful Nephtaphis watches over this most dreamily romantic of all signs. Her children are incredibly loyal to their lovers, and are actually capable of becoming one with them in body, mind and soul. For this reason they have to be careful to choose men/women as caring and considerate as themselves, or they will cruelly be taken advantage of. -
God of Thunder and Lightning (July 22 to August 18)
Like their turbulent guardian, those born under this sign have quicksilver temperaments and have to keep their thermostats lowered if they want their love lives to heat up. You need an even-tempered, understanding type who can put up with your occasional outbursts. -
Protector God (August 19 to September 21)
If you were lucky enough to be born under this sign, you can look forward to life-long romance that will never stop growing. Mr/Ms Right for you is the mystery man type who has a multi-faceted personality and will Forever be revealing new and fascinating aspects of himself/herself, Thereby continually giving you something new about himself for you to love. -
Sun God (September 22 to October 15)
You'll have no trouble finding Mr/Ms Right because you're what every man/woman is looking for - tender,understanding, passionate, and Intensely loyal. Men/Women will flock to you, so you can afford to be choosy. Pick the man/woman who is most deserving of the prize you are, and don't look back. Your only fault is a tendency to wonder if you made the right choices in the past, so keep your eyes peeled on the future. -
Goddess of Miracles (October 16 to November 9)
Those born under the sign of this ancient Egypt's chief goddess have a magic touch. With a smile, they can captivate any man/woman who attracts them. Finding Mr/Ms Right is easy for Isis' sons/daughters - they can spot him/her a mile off and snare him/her with their great charm. -
God of Light
 (November 10 to December 3) Thoth's children have a hard time displaying their feelings, especially the romantic ones. When you meet Mr/Ms Right, show him how you feel - don't keep him/her guessing. -
Goddess of Music and the Arts (December 4 to December 31)
 Hathor' s children are in love with love. They tend to fall head over heels in love with the first man that shows any interest in them, and they stick to them like glue. Keep a level head and be sure he's really Mr/Ms Right. Your type of man/woman likes harmony, and you have to show him/her that you're the one who can provide it.

"steal" from min,..^_^ check out urs


watched "cube" and thought it was just another ordinary show,.till yu told me its a "deep" show,...switch my thinking and with some explanation....ya,.it is,..deeper den fruit basket,..

anybody see cube 2 tell me ya,..ahha,..^_^

today is a very chim day for me,..not due tat cube show only,.but,..with calvin's thinking which varies with mine,...

^_^ how how ,..... how can i be always  happy,..?? hahahaha,...ya sometimes, moody,...and all,.but i think most of the time,.is jus,...happy,..till to the extent of being a little worried,..ohhh,..winter sonata,...cya all


Wednesday, July 21

,..... ... .. . . .

yo all, r ya,...

,..last jog,..about,...mon,.dockwatch,...

have not been jogging,.for sh*tty long time,..

yaya,..i know ,..i tok alot,..about this jog ,.and jog,.

well,.. i ,..jus wanna remind myself,.how much i have missed,.

yeah mum's not cooking tml,..i can go and buy a litre of milk for dinner,..hahahaha,..

still,.waiting for the fruitbasket to finish dling,.
guess for the next two days, swimming for me,.tml,.danger zone,..ya,..sian,..well,...watever,..

well,.i jus love singing,...ya,..
finally finish my sk,.sh*t,.now,.have to go iron my clothes,.,do some push-ups,.(ya its getting easiler but,.stuck at 20 at one time)
i miss jogging,..tml must jog ahhhh,..!!!!seeya at four den,..better go now,.sh*t i don feel like leaving the music and keyboard,...speaking of keyboard,.it has been a long time i last played the piano,..its rotting inside,.there is like so much things i wanna do,.but feel half-hearted at the last min,..kk,.i better go,.. kk?? ella,..?? ops,..



yup,..i'm now on a morning wake up  at 4 system,...suppose to go for jog,..demo, has been the second day of online instead,, due to rain....i sort of woke up automatically,..or it would be e thunder tat woke me up,...found tat i had subconsiously press off e alarm snd return to sleep,...for some time,.
finally pass moi cat 2,.hahaha,..anyway,.stll got cat 2 to go, last jump,..idiot,..
life's been pretty routine,..i still drink too much milo,..well,..
yeah, this sat,..its has been a quite some time,..
lazybone in the morn,..

Sunday, July 18

watashi wa na namewa,.....

My japanese name is 松尾 Matsuo (tail of a pine tree) 久美子 Kumiko (eternal beautiful child).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

don have to be sad tat you are born the way you are,...because,.. no matter how sad you are, cannot be reborn,...but,..don worry, can be changed,...therefore,.give time for ppl to change,.and time for yourself to change,..for the better,.....
Even though today is another painful day
Even though I still carry the pain from yesterday
If i can open my heart that I want to believe in
I can never be born again
But I can always change myself
Look to today's tears
To bring tomorrow's strength
To be hated by other ppl
Is a scary and hurtful thing
To be hated by someone you truly love
Is the scariest and painful thing
sun day sun day sunday ,...^_^ ,..tml work,.-_- ,..
  aunt's thinking of coming singapore to work,...hope she does,...^_^ *praying praying praying hard*it has been such a long long time since we're together,...she has been away from the family for a long time,..i miss nights with aunt,..the old times we have,..when i'm young, she would told me about her life,..her, life, many of you could actually listen to your aunt sobbign about her love life,....consider the generation gap,.and tat you are jus a kid,..

gor's happy with his laptop,..he takes it everyday,..suits him though,.road in front of him is getting clearer,..

still cold with dad,...dadeeodad,...he's gonna be a kid soon,.LOL,....better change my attitude,.

grams still bored,.let me think, more loaded first,..

mum's still looking for a job,...

i,..still too much milo,...biscuits,..have stopped,.hahahha, gor can't stand tat my likes for food has changed,..hmmm,..ya,..bye all,..

went for night jog,..^_^ well,..increased distance an itsy bitsy teeny weeny approximately ,.... .... .....200m,....hahahah,..demo, least better dan kosong right,...


hiak,.have to go sleep early today,....gotta jog tml morning too,.....before tat,.have to

iron clothes, some pushups,.listen to my dled songs,...

good night all,...

Thursday, July 15

oh my god

have not ran for two days,.totally no excerise at all,...feel so guilty ahh, shag
wanna change my plans for jogs,..instead of night,..switch to morning,..which usually i cannot wake up,...

have to jog more leh,..
commercial for the marathon is out,..and sh*t,.i ,..have accomplished KOSONG,..

jus the usual me,..
haven find the reason y i wanna jog, much,..
i jus wanna,.but dunno the reason ,.yet,.
or issit jus addicition,..yeah,..

have not been doing more dan twenty push ups,....for,..two days,...

have not been having the mood,..nah,.its jus excuses,..
and i still eat too much wholemeal biscuits,..haha,.and have to stop drinking milo,...

i should be sleeping an hour ago,..
went to makan with the navy gerfrends,.well,...the into batch really get hell ,..glad i don have to stay in tat fast yet,..get to know about this sad happening,..hope tat it will end soon,..* let me do ten more pushups*
my english is getting poor,.and i am talking too much crap at work,.but enjoying it,...
my brother hates to see me do pushups,..say i am gonna be a muscular woman,.hahahahha,..well,..i hate pushups too ,.not for the gold in ippt,..i got ZERO for flex arm hang,.so degrading,.

fruit basket is cute,..
total push ups done in the course of blog = more den 50 ba,.
k all,..good night,..hope i can wake up for morning jog,.tomorrow,.or i will feel so guilty,,..nights,..

i am getting more chatty,....lazy,..hungry more easily(actually is eating too much),.not enough sleep,...more vegetarian,...too much milo(my whole stomach is filled with it,.how gross),...

mum's out of job le,.no more dian ti xiao jie,.
grandma's complaining of back problems,...ladies,.drink more milk,..
bro's really into poly,..^_^
i am being colder to my dad,..
i am now on the powertalk 2 starhub plan
i am spending less time on family
i am spending less time on jog,..distance,..
i am crazy on improving my current lifestyle,..
i really am going to sleep
but ,..i am not tired liao, ten more,.(tip:doing pushups as slow as possible gives you better results)

everyone has got things that they wanna do,, ya best,..and you will achieve it,...good luck,..(think i am talking to myself ba!!!)

Sunday, July 11

^_^ ,...

yo all,..went mac reservior yesterday for a 5k,.well,..hmmm,..still okay la,..lucky still can stay in the group,..the best is tat can secure at 10plus,,..^_^ so happy,..hope can have runs at other places more often other den camp,..

thanks miner for encouragment,..hehe,..hmm,..ya,..will run more often den i ever do,..will increase my distance today ,..^_^ ,.by a bit lor,..

love jogging more each day,..its becoming an addicition,..but it does,..takes up some of my time each day,..

met up with the sec gang again,.shan, yu , vin, and raj(dunno how to spell his name leh),..not forgetting a few moments of zen and daniel,.

the usual funny things we do whenever we're together,..laughing at one another's behavior and picking on other ppl's behavior,..den without any need for much communication,.we will proceed with our laughters tat usually create commotion wherever we are,..and how we don care about how other see ,.haha,.super relax with them around,..^_^ ,..

enjoyed la,.their company,.lots,.though we jus walk the whole night around city area,.and lots of concussion from the guys,..

yen's aunt's mei rong yuan is jus at teck whye ,..5 mins walking distance from my house,.good good, time can go facial liao,ahhaha, many links can we have,..yo,..wen lips cafe and got to have spagetti on the house,..^_^ ,..finally visit lao di fang,..nt time must go and makan again,..last stop at mac for breakfast is so enjoyable,.long time din have hot cakes le,..

yeah!! we gonna have swimming le,.finally ah,..time for me to face water treading,..and the jump into the pool ,...

The author has run many miles. Some hot, some freezing cold. Some at daybreak, some at darkest night. His reflections on a lifetime of running
by: Roger Hart

We ran through blizzards, thunderstorms, freezing rain, covered bridges, creeks, campgrounds, cemeteries, parks, a nuclear power plant, county fairs, and, once, a church service. We were chased by goats, geese, a crazed groundhog, guards (the nuclear power plant), a motorcycle gang, an armed man in a pickup, a sheriff's deputy, and dogs, both fierce and friendly. We ran when 2 feet of snow covered the roads, and when the windchill was 30 below. We ran when it was 80 degrees at seven in the morning. We ran on streets, sidewalks, highways, cinder tracks, dirt roads, golf courses, Lake Erie beaches, bike trails, across yards, and along old railroad beds. Seven days a week, 12 months a year, year after year.

During the hot days of July and August, Ed ran without a shirt or socks; I always wore both. Norm ran with a screw in his ankle and joked that it was coming loose. Ed was faster going downhill; I was better going up. The three of us met at a race and became training partners, competitors, best friends. We ran together on Saturday mornings, usually a 20-miler along the shore of Lake Erie or a 22-mile route over hilly country roads through Ashtabula County [Ohio]. We ran thousands of miles and more than a dozen marathons together, but most of the time we ran alone.

We gave directions to lost drivers, pushed cars out of snow banks, called the electric company about downed lines and the police about drunks. We saved a burlap bag full of kittens about to be tossed off a bridge, carried turtles from the middle of the road, returned lost wallets, and were the first on the scene of a flipped pickup truck.

We ran the Boston Marathon before women were allowed to enter and way before the Kenyans won. We were runners before Frank Shorter took the Olympic gold at Munich, before the running boom, nylon shorts, sports drinks, Gore-Tex suits, heart monitors, running watches, and Nikes.

We ate constantly, or so it seemed. My favorite midnight snack was cookie dough or cold pizza. Ed enjoyed cinnamon bread, which he sometimes ate a loaf at a time. Norm downed buttered popcorn by the bucketful and Finnish cookies by the dozen. We all loved ice cream, and drank large vanilla shakes two at a time. Still, friends said we were too thin. They thought we looked sick and worried something was wrong.

We measured our lives in miles down to the nearest tenth, more than 100 miles a week, 400 a month, 5,000 a year.

The smells! From passing cars: pipe tobacco, exhaust fumes, and sometimes the sweet hint of perfume. From the places we passed: French fries, bacon, skunk, pine trees, dead leaves, cut hay, mowed grass, ripe grapes, hot asphalt, rotten apples, stagnant water, wood smoke, charcoal grills, mosquito spray, road kill. And from ourselves: sunscreen and sweat.

Some people smiled and waved. A few whistled. Once or twice women from passing cars yelled we had nice legs. Others, usually teenage boys in sleek, black cars, yelled obscenities, called us names, gave us the finger, and mooned us. They threw firecrackers, lit cigarettes, soda cans, half-eaten ice cream cones, beer bottles (both full and empty), squirted us with water, drove through puddles to spray us, swerved their cars to force us off the road, swung jumper cables out the window to make us duck, and honked their horns to make us jump.

We saw shooting stars, a family of weasels, a barn fire, a covered wagon heading west, and a couple making love in a pickup. We ran with deer on a golf course, jumped a slow-moving train to get across the tracks, hid in ditches during lightning storms, slid across an intersection during a freezing rain, and dived into Lake Erie to cool off in the middle of a hot run. We drank from garden hoses, gas station water fountains, soda machines, lawn sprinklers, and lemonade stands. We carried toilet paper, two quarters, sometimes a dog biscuit.

We were offered rides by "The Chosen Few" motorcycle gang, old ladies, drunks, teenagers, truckers, a topless dancer (not topless at the time but close, real close), and a farmer baling hay, but we never accepted a single one. We argued about the dancer.

We were nervous before races and said we'd quit running them when we weren't. We won trophies, medals, baskets of apples, bottles of wine, windbreakers, T-shirts, pizza, pewter mugs, running suits, shoes, baseball caps, watches, a railroad spike, and, once, $500. Often we didn't win anything, although we never looked at it that way.

Ed liked to race from the front and dare other runners to catch him. I preferred to start a little slower, stalk those who went out too fast, and sneak up on them around 20 miles when they began to look over their shoulders. I felt like a wolf, and they were the prey. When I passed, I pretended not to be tired, and never looked back.

Our goal was to qualify for the Olympic Trials Marathon, to run faster and farther, to beat other runners.

,..yes,..i have been doing my push ups,..

MJ ,...yeah,..!!

"Beat It"

[1st Verse]
They Told Him Don't You Ever Come Around Here
Don't Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear
The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear
So Beat It, Just Beat It

[2nd Verse]
You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can
Don't Wanna See No Blood, Don't Be A Macho Man
You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can
So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It

[3rd Verse]
They're Out To Get You, Better Leave While You Can
Don't Wanna Be A Boy, You Wanna Be A Man
You Wanna Stay Alive, Better Do What You Can
So Beat It, Just Beat It

[4th Verse]
You Have To Show Them That You're Really Not Scared
You're Playin' With Your Life, This Ain't No Truth Or Dare
They'll Kick You, Then They Beat You,
Then They'll Tell You It's Fair
So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Who's Right

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It
Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

jus leave MJ alone, would you feel, have your worst open to public, to have wrong accusations of you spreading around the world, spent $$ tat you earn with your hardwork on court trials,..over something tat you did not do,...yeah,..

try this our,..

20 Questions to a Better Personality

Wackiness: 60/100
Rationality: 28/100
Constructiveness: 58/100
Leadership: 62/100

You are a WECL--Wacky Emotional Constructive Leader. This makes you a people's advocate. You are passionate about your causes, with a good heart and good endeavors. Your personal fire is contagious, and others wish they could be as dedicated to their beliefs as you are.

Your dedication may cause you to miss the boat on life's more slight and trivial activities. You will feel no loss when skipping some inane mixer, but it can be frustrating to others to whom such things are important. While you find it difficult to see other points of view, it may be useful to act as if you do, and play along once in a while.

In any event, you have buckets of charisma and a natural skill for making people open up. Your greatest asset is an ability to make progress while keeping the peace.

Friday, July 9

still awake,.......

tired,..?? sleepy,..? yes!! yes!! hai,..din go jogging today,..din increase my distance for so long liao,...although i do feel a little improvement,..but its not enough,.and not putting any effort,..

well,.y did i wanna finish a marathon,..?? or half marathon,..or even a ten k,..well,...i don't know,.i jus know i wanna,.very much, matter wat, least once,..jus once in my life time,..of cos i wanna do more,... ..

wats e reason,..?

am really not putting effort for the things i wanna do,.jus turning circles around it,..and not changing lanes towards the bull's eye,...doyo,..?? excuses excuses, wat i maintain constant jog here and there,..when i keep dragging the time and not improving,..though the knee is not an excuse,..

how is tat when wanna be better,only sparkle for a short peroid of time,..den dim off,..and back to normal,..?????????

wats the reason,.......? for this setback tat is repeating itself over a million xs,...


don think is much as the above,..well,.let me think,...

put more effort
put more effort
put more effort

must combine the two routes,..together,..its has been soooo longg,...

^_^ ,..sweet dreams all,...

Thursday, July 8

my addiction,...

did the most SK ever today in camp,..well,..its better than having nothing to do except reading fruit basket.

Fruit basket is getting more interesting,..^_^

Ate chocolates,..^_^ yumyum,..well,..its the only thing tat can trigger my sense of hunger,..choco bar,..biscuits,..anything but so unfortunately it triggers zits too,..

MJ,..michael jackson,.

Ben the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you my friend will see
You've got a friend in me
(You've got a friend in me)

Ben, you're always running here and there
(Here and there)
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's something you should know
You've got a place to go
(You've got a place to go)

I used to say, "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
(I used to say, "I" and "me")
(Now it's "us", now it's "we")

Ben, most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben
(A friend)
Like Ben
(Like Ben)
Like Ben

best song ever about rats and humans,...listen to it closely,..

Wednesday, July 7

,... ......

happy birthday yvette,..!!! ^_^

,............ ...
congrates on navy's second place in the saf badminton competition,..


ehhh!! tml's another day,....papapapapapapapa,....papapapapapapaaaa,....hmmmmm,..

,.... ...
miss out two days of joggggg,,..totally shaggg,..

laaalaalalalalalaaaa,..lalalaaalaala,..totemo ,...
lets stay together itsumo,...euuuu, eu eu eu,..
*too still*
more pimples popping out,*T ,..
whole family's complaining about cash flow problem,..k k k ,.ya,..watever,..everything's on hold right now,.bills,.plans,..more bills,..

uncle moved to JB,..(-_-)*sad* hope he like the new environment,...miss him,..miss him, totally,,.there is one more less people in muar, the old house,..left aunt there,..miss her too,..ya,...well,..seems that my plans will not come true,....mum's restless too,..grams bored,..(*____*)
mum's on the phone again,..sameo conversation,..glad to hear more laughters tis time,....tension's high yesterday,....poor thing the phone,..

today,,..numb ,...
so,..alot of rubbish,..

haikz,..tis month's phonebills gonna be higher,..i so need to go for a jog,...bye all,...
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! for watever reason,..too much cheering today,..

Sunday, July 4

Allison Krausse_ When You Say Nothing At All

It's amazing how you
Can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word
You can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face
Let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
A touch of your hand
Says you'll catch me if ever I fall
Yeah, you say it best
When you say nothing at all
All day long I can hear
People talking out loud
But when you hold me near
You drown out the crowd
Old Mr. Webster could never define
What's being said between your heart and mine
The smile on your face
Lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in you eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
A touch of your hand
Says you'll catch me
If ever I fall
Yeah, you say it best
When you say nothing at all
The smile on your face
Lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
A touch of your hand says you'll catch me
If ever I fall
Yeah, you say it best
When you say nothing at all

Beautiful full voice,....^_^


For Fruits Basket
Sung by Ritsuko Okazaki, Opening

Japanese lyrics
English translation

Totemo ureshiikatta yo
Kimi ga warai kaketeta
Subete wo tokasu hohoemi de
Haru wa mada tookute
Tsumetai tsuchi no naka de
Me buka toki wo matte tanda

Tatoeba kurushii kyou datoshite mo
Kinou no kizu wo nokoshite mo
Shinjitai kokoro hadaite yukeruto
Umarekawaru koto wa dekinai yo
Dakedo kawatte wa yukerukara

Let's stay together, itsumo.

Boku dake ni waratte
Sono yubi de nee sawatte
Nozomi bakari ga hateshinaku.

Yasashiku shitai yo
Mou kuyamaneyouni
Nageki no umi mo koete ikou

Tatoe kurushii kyou datoshite mo
Itsuka atatakana omoide ni naru
Kokoro goto subete nagedaseta nara

Koko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yo
Umare ochita yorokobi wo shiru
Let's stay together, itsumo.

Tatoe kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Itsuka atatakana omoide ni naru
Kokoro goto subete nabe daseta nara

Koko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yo
Umare ochita yorokobi o shiru
Let's stay together, itsumo.
I was so happy
When you smiled at me, with
A smile that melts everything away.
Spring is still far away,
Inside the cold earth.
I was waiting for the first sprout to bloom.

Although today is hard to bear,
Even when yesterday's scars remain,
If I work it out with a heart that wants to trust...
I can't be born again
but I can change as I go on.

Let's stay together, always.

You smiled only for me
With that finger touching
The only wish is endless.

I want to be kind
Like a regrettable misstep
Let's go pass over the grieving sea.

Although today is hard to bear,
Someday it will be a tender memory,
If I free everything in my heart.

I will learn why I am here
I will know the joy of being born
Let's stay together, always.

Although today is hard to bear,
Someday it will be a tender memory,
If I free everything in my heart.

I will learn why I am here
I will know the joy of being born
Let's stay together, always.

Chiisana Inori
Sung by Ritsuko Okazaki, Ending

Japanese lyrics
English translation

Tanashii uke
Saa, kakomimashou
Kyou no namida wa kora
Asu no chikara ni shite

La la la la la la la la!

Subarashi ki
Love and life

La la la la la la la la!

Ai subeki
Love and life

Seiipai datta ichinichi ni
Sayounara to arigatou
Waratte oemashou
Sore wa chiisana inori

Haru, hana saki
Midori moeru koro

Donna namida mo
Kazeni nagasareteku

La la la la la la la la!

Subarashi ki,
Love and life.
Fun supper,
Now, let's gather around.
Look to today's tears
To bring tomorrow's strength.

La la la la la la la la!

Wonderful feeling,
Love and life.

La la la la la la la la!

Love and life.

To the day that I gave my all,
Goodbye and thank you.
I end it with a smile.
That is my small prayer.

Spring, the flower blooms
At the time the green sprouts

Whatever kind of tear it is,
It's flowing on the wind.

La la la la la la la la!

Wonderful feeling,
Love and life.

Saturday, July 3


its sat night, favorite night, far,...

go and see fruit basket,...its full of meanings, real,...thanks xinwei for the comics,..
i miss the date i have with the bmt friends for dinner,*t!!!!!well,....watever,,..

running out of things to say,....




ya,.. i'm still stuck,..and hmmm, jogging'still need improvement,..lots,...

i am eating more than usual,*t!!!
i am beginning to dislike meat even more,....


yes,..i'm doing more push-ups than usual,..
my english is getting worse,..
i am getting lazier

where is my pay,....???


its sat night, favorite night, far,...

go and see fruit basket,...its full of meanings, real,...thanks xinwei for the comics,..
i miss the date i have with the bmt friends for dinner,*t!!!!!well,....watever,,..

running out of things to say,....




ya,.. i'm still stuck,..and hmmm, jogging'still need improvement,..lots,...

i am eating more than usual,*t!!!
i am beginning to dislike meat even more,....


yes,..i'm doing more push-ups than usual,..
my english is getting worse,..
i am getting lazier

where is my pay,....???