watashi wa na namewa,.....
My japanese name is 松尾 Matsuo (tail of a pine tree) 久美子 Kumiko (eternal beautiful child).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
don have to be sad tat you are born the way you are,...because,.. no matter how sad you are,..you cannot be reborn,...but,..don worry,..you can be changed,...therefore,.give time for ppl to change,.and time for yourself to change,..for the better,.....
Even though today is another painful day
Even though I still carry the pain from yesterday
If i can open my heart that I want to believe in
I can never be born again
But I can always change myself
Look to today's tears
To bring tomorrow's strength
To be hated by other ppl
Is a scary and hurtful thing
To be hated by someone you truly love
Is the scariest and painful thing
sun day sun day sunday ,...^_^ ,..tml work,.-_- ,..
aunt's thinking of coming singapore to work,...hope she does,...^_^ *praying praying praying hard*it has been such a long long time since we're together,...she has been away from the family for a long time,..i miss nights with aunt,..the old times we have,..when i'm young,..how she would told me about her life,..her,..love life,..how many of you could actually listen to your aunt sobbign about her love life,....consider the generation gap,.and tat you are jus a kid,..
gor's happy with his laptop,..he takes it everyday,..suits him though,.road in front of him is getting clearer,..
still cold with dad,...dadeeodad,...he's gonna be a kid soon,.LOL,....better change my attitude,.
grams still bored,.let me think,..be more loaded first,..
mum's still looking for a job,...
i,..still too much milo,...biscuits,..have stopped,.hahahha,...my gor can't stand tat my likes for food has changed,..hmmm,..ya,..bye all,..
went for night jog,..^_^ well,..increased distance an itsy bitsy teeny weeny approximately ,.... .... .....200m,....hahahah,..demo,..at least better dan kosong right,...
hiak,.have to go sleep early today,....gotta jog tml morning too,.....before tat,.have to
iron clothes,..do some pushups,.listen to my dled songs,...
good night all,...
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