little one

Monday, November 29

yet,....another sleepless night

mummy was waking up every other hour,....making frequent slow trips to the toilet,.....

mummy also have her usual dose of strange vivid colorful dreams,..
hours ago,..mama dream of eating out in a restaurant (kopitiam style) with her papa and best friend ling,...what a weird combination,..!!! see,...Padad was not in the picture, mama is not in the picture,...Jayemos????

some how,...we got through the order and was already waiting for almost an hour plus for the food,...during the wait,...all these happen,..

1. across my view of the round table,...about 15metres away,..someone was playing ping pong,..the player miss the ball and the ball came shooting towards our table,..what to do??? hit back lor,.strangely enough, was in dreams where we have super powers,...the ball went right back to the owner,....i even cheered to myself in the dream.

2. after some time and some chit chat,..i turn my head to the left and found next to my table,...a lioness vs a cat,....i was too shocked and turn my head away just as the lion is about to do something to the cat,...
i turned my head back and found this old granny taking the kopitiam stool and hold it between the lioness and her grandchild,...the stool scared the lioness and the lioness shift her butt below our table,...i can even feel her furry butt on my legs, can imagine how quick i have raised my legs under the table,....

At this moment,...i began to feel that we have been waiting for the food for quite a long time,...i ask my old dad and ling,..have we made our orders yet??? after some thoughts,..yes,..we have,..i asked about our food,and the waiter who ordered our food told us that one of the dishes is not ready,..or even recommend us to chose other food...what is that dish???? Some wild dish,....crocodile or snake meat,....(when did i start to have a liking for this kind of food) the waiter den proceed to recommend us to go other places to dine,....he even bring us to the place,...imagine us walking off and into another restaurant,...he even took the menu and show it to us,...

i woke up,.glad to be back in reality,..with Jayemos and Padad next to me,....without eating anything (haiks) , for the wild dishes,...(ewwwww!!!) Lioness,...cute,...i should have pat her in the dream,...its not like i can ever pat a real lion with my hands,..but at least my legs get to touch her butt,...i din even get a chance to scold the waiter for slow food service,....

Saturday, November 27

The reluctant blue fish....

Jayemos's first concert performance,....

Mummy and Padad heard children's noises coming from the corner and found the casts there,...
Jayemos spotted us and pointed at mummy,...."mummy"
Jayemos decided not to go back with the cast and even make fuss,..
There were glitters and yes,..eye shadow,...and lip stick,.... SEXY spandex suit,...
Mummy and Padad have to rush out,.. so that order and peace can be achieved,..

Second performance : Under the sea by the PG and N1,...
The blue fish,..second in line,..broke off and ran back to the mother fish,.. (expected!! from mummy and padad,...we both broke into laughter,.....)

The rest were stuck,...while the blue fish fight to stay back,...

The reluctant fish,.....fight back,..while the rest happily swam around,..

Finally,..back in safety,...

Still refusing to swim out, matter how much coaxing was given,.

In the end,..Jayemos enjoyed the rest of the concert with mummy and padad at the seats,..
^_^ .,...the concert ended beautifully,...all parents seems to be beaming with joy to see their little one on stage,..

Friday, November 26

dear Jayemos

Gor Gor J,...

mummy is glad that you ate your dinner so well for the past few days,....usually you don't even wanna take the first bite,...

the night weather is good these few days,..however mummy suffers from insomnia and could only sleep for an hour or two in the afternoon,...

Gor gor J have started to show off that he too wants to make a choice,....
Padad ask J,...what Jayemos wants daddy to draw....Jayemos would say "hmmmmm,.............animals"

mummy ask J at the hopscotch mat,...choose a no. Jayemos,...Jayemos will say,.." hmmmmm,....5 and rush to jump onto 5,...

mummy ask J what he would like to see,..Jayemos would say,...hmmmmm,...Shapes,..

Wednesday, November 24

39 weeks,...and still going on,....

if,...little princess is same as gor gor,.she should be out by 22 Nov,...that day pass by,...without any news,...

Dr Koh is saying a 50-50 chances on this week and also above 40weeks,... dilated alittle,..princess seems to be enjoying in the womb,..of course mummy would prefer to wait for the princess to be ready,...rather den induced,....Dr Koh says princess is small,..a 2.8plus to 3.0 at birth,..3kg to mama, HUGH,...
well Gor Gor is only a 2.6 at birth,..

So we are all set to go,..just waiting for the little princess to finish touching up to greet us,...the clothes are ready, changing station set up in place, refrigerators are set,...bottles and pumps are clean,..the labour bag is lying on the floor,....even the doorstep all washed down for the new entry in the house,..

blogging bout that,..daddy still owe mummy the mat to be washed,...

Gor Gor Jayemos loves his ah kong and ah ma,....and call them sweetly every day,...even back at home,...

Mummy is looking forward to changing Jayemos's Toys after Princess's arrival,..

the organ
the big remote car, the domino set (finally bought last week), the three thomas train sets, the two right brain connection sets, the fine motor skill training kit, the sand art, the chopstick, the fishing pond....etc etc,....

Mummy's backpain is becoming a nuisance in mummy's life, is constantly there, a tail,..and its a really big and aching one,..mummy can't sleep well at all,....carrying a heavy beach ball is prove to take a few shifting to turn from right to left side,...lying flatup is almost impossible,..

And so,... daddy and mummy finally "settle down" on a Chinese name for princess "Jernice"(a few months before birth),... "Zi Xuan"( two weeks before birth),.. after all the fight with Na and Ling,....


xuān Hemerocallis flava

How come it seems much easily when thinking of "Jayemos" (formed after birth) and "Yi Bin" (a few months before birth)


bīn ornamental; refined

good night...and get well Gor Gor Jayemos

Saturday, November 20

time out for Jayemos

Gor gor Jayemos got his ever first time out away from home at west mall today,...
Mama felt sorry too,...cos, is abit late into jayemos's bed time and Jayemos probably is tired and that is why all the fuss at going against mama,.. (see,..Jayemos hardly go against mama,....)

Overall Jayemos is a well behaved toddler who would listen,..given time for him to think and have enough,...of cos not being confused by the different degree of discipline,..

Nevertheless,...distractions and loving touch is required at a certain degree,...

Thursday, November 18

Gor Gor Jayemos is now 95cm,...and weighs,... ????kg..
mei mei,..weighs about 2.8kg now,....
mama must hurry think of a chinese name for mei mei,..

Saturday, November 13

Jayemos, mummy and padad attended your first performance at Nanyang Girls high. Capre diem Starlets have been working hard in practicing and rehearsing,....

Mummy and daddy finally get to see you in your costume,..kekekeke,...kakoii ne,...its a blue spandex material and your hat is a blue fish,...

mummy and daddy were there slightly after 2pm,..we followed the children's voices and found you with your chinese teacher,....she carried you and you spotted Mama, point and said "mama",...
You have glitters around your eyes and that looks like eye shadow and lip stick,..keekekek,..

You didn't want us to leave though,....cos you were needed by the teachers,..and started to fuss,.. ^_^

Your segment is Under the sea,...2nd performance from the start. Mummy and Padad stop you when the little fishes are suppose to be coming out in line, blue fish ,..second in line,..ran off back into the arms of the "mother fish" and reluctant to join in the line of little fishes,..around 4-5 of you though,....^_^ mummy is glad that you have your fishy hat on,..^_^
Teacher said coaxing you into the costume is real hard,...coaxing you to wear the hat, real problem,..teacher have to secretly keep your home clothes to make you wear the costume,.. ^_^

you were tired out, slept before 9pm, well Jayemos, little blue fish, reluctant to swim into the sea,... ^_^

Wednesday, November 10

mummy is proud of Jayemos when Jayemos say BYE BYE mummy,...SEE YOU,...during nap time,....when mummy have to leave house and ah ma is there to put him to sleep,....

Jayemos really loves to drink hot tea,...

Jayemos like his mos fish burger with ketchep,...

Jayemos loves onigiri,...

Jayemos took a bite on another toddler who disrupt and threaten his time with his playground wheels,...
Gor Gor J visited maternal great grandmother's sister today,....
Jaye refuse to step into the house initially,...coaxed in by a sweet and he was making himself comfortable with the yan yan biscuits,...not long after,...5 year old gor gor came and introduced himself,...

5year old's card game: uno transformer card

void sign is called the entrance.,..
mummy is still figuring out in the first set of game.
So,.....he will always be the one making the first move, pick 2 cards that reveals one number bigger or lesser then the other,...
mummy, the opponent can't pick out the perfect match. So it was all picking up of 2 cards,..randomly,..and 5year old wins the game,.. taking turns stop at the last 2sets,..the last set of cards belongs to his,...even though he already pick up the previous set,..

5 year old decided to show little J his garden,....and was little J so interested,...
a little horsey game with padad and little J,...
hide and seek game,....was so interesting when we counted to 10 and he hide in front of us,....after the count of 10,...only little J could not find him,...

5year old Kaemon (now i remember his name) played monopoly with padad,...while little J spots the gor gor's container with toys inside,...
mummy ask of if mummy can open and see whats inside his treasure box,..and he proudly say treasure box of cos,..mummy open and ask if i can play some of the toys in the box and return it back into the treasure box after i have played,.and Kaemon said of cos i could,... Kaemon says he only play monopoly with big ppl,....little J was soon exploring Gor gor's toys,...

milk tricks with bao bao proofed to set little J dropping off Gor Gor's cars,...padad took this chance to put it back into the treasure box, was a smooth retreat,...Kaemon was told to play a fast game, cycle of the monopoly, we were leaving soon,...buying houses,..paying rent to padad was proof to be a little hurting for the 5year old,...

mummy's really gonna head back to sleepless sleep again,....the backache is climbing up the spin again,....mummy have to spread those aching evenly through,...

GoR Gor J,....hug,..mummy loves you,.....get well from your coughing soon,........

Monday, November 8

Gor gor Jayemos,..

J went for his first concert rehearsal at Nanyang Girls High school today,....missed his nap,..and his bath,.....and his milk,....

mummy and ah ma wondered if the teachers have gotten J to put on the fish hat for the concert,....

mummy felt that mummy and daddy is having either higher behavior expectations or have exhausted ourselves cos mummy felt that mummy is not giving J much patience, is daddy,.....
:( ,....

spilled water,..spilled milk,...eating his fingers,..throwing toys,..refusal to stand properly,..refusal to sleep,....kicking mummy and daddy,...wanting to walk his way,...refuse to let us hold his hand,...rolling in the toilet floor,...stepping on his poo poo,...refusing to eat,...smearing his oily hands over his hair,...smearing his dirty hands on mummy,....refuse to walk,...

so,..what is so tough about alllll these?????????????????????????

Saturday, November 6

Gor gor Jayemos

Happy Deepavali,...

Jayemos simply loves fishes,.....
He would demand to spend his time at the pet shop,..gazing,..poking and luring the fishes in their tank,..
Jayemos have started to give money issues after his "Coins, i want coins" for all the games at the arcade and shopping mall and the rocking mobiles at the shopping areas.
Jayemos enjoyed being in the sleepywrap,... ^_^ finally,..a wrap that i can use ,...of cos padad is the one getting all warm and cosy with him,...looking forward to wrapping the princess,...

Mummy hope little princess loves dressing up,..cos mummy can't do that with GorGorJ,.. GorGorJ is one that dislike to be changed,..wearing things on him means putting up a fight,...bye bye hats and caps,...bye bye watches,..socks and shoes,...

mummy loves munching ice and padad couldn't stop teaching J to sing the "mummy putt putt" song, irritating,.

Tuesday, November 2

i am 2 1/2 years old today

Jayemos is 2 1/2 years old.
Mei mei is now 36weeks, mummy's tummy,..and weighs 2.7kg,..
the house is almost ready for mei mei,....
Jayemos did not say bye bye to mummy when mummy drops him to school,...
mummy says: "he just went in without turning back ^_^, which is a good thing,... it shows that everything about the school is fine for him."

Jayemos went to the zoo and the maze at jurong safra, missing his usual sleeping routine.

Jayemos is scared of the animals,..especially when we go near the horse and ponies.
Jayemos proudly shout out zebra, giraffe, rhino,...ostrich when we walk pass the animals he adore from his plastic friends back at home,....

Jayemos is performing in his school's end of year concert next week. Mummy and Padad are looking forward to seeing him on stage for the very first time.

Mummy hope that mei mei would come into the world very soon,....