Gor gor Jayemos
Happy Deepavali,...
Jayemos simply loves fishes,.....
He would demand to spend his time at the pet shop,..gazing,..poking and luring the fishes in their tank,..
Jayemos have started to give money issues after his "Coins, i want coins" for all the games at the arcade and shopping mall and the rocking mobiles at the shopping areas.
Jayemos enjoyed being in the sleepywrap,... ^_^ finally,..a wrap that i can use ,...of cos padad is the one getting all warm and cosy with him,...looking forward to wrapping the princess,...
Mummy hope little princess loves dressing up,..cos mummy can't do that with GorGorJ,.. GorGorJ is one that dislike to be changed,..wearing things on him means putting up a fight,...bye bye hats and caps,...bye bye watches,..socks and shoes,...
mummy loves munching ice and padad couldn't stop teaching J to sing the "mummy putt putt" song,...how irritating,.
Jayemos simply loves fishes,.....
He would demand to spend his time at the pet shop,..gazing,..poking and luring the fishes in their tank,..
Jayemos have started to give money issues after his "Coins, i want coins" for all the games at the arcade and shopping mall and the rocking mobiles at the shopping areas.
Jayemos enjoyed being in the sleepywrap,... ^_^ finally,..a wrap that i can use ,...of cos padad is the one getting all warm and cosy with him,...looking forward to wrapping the princess,...
Mummy hope little princess loves dressing up,..cos mummy can't do that with GorGorJ,.. GorGorJ is one that dislike to be changed,..wearing things on him means putting up a fight,...bye bye hats and caps,...bye bye watches,..socks and shoes,...
mummy loves munching ice and padad couldn't stop teaching J to sing the "mummy putt putt" song,...how irritating,.
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