little one

Tuesday, May 25

i'm back

hey buds,.i'm back,..after so many days of not using the com, usual,.now its the computer's monitor playing with my impatience, is preety much the same,..going to tekong in 14 days ba,...hahhaha,...looking forward to it,.well nothing happens much at work,.the occasional falling asleep syndrome,..due to nothing to do,..thanks to xinwei's comics,..pass my time,..finally finish reading a comic book,..hahha,..well,...nothing much le,...

Sunday, May 16


hi all!! long time din come here le, auto shut off by itself,...korkor reformat and lose my whole MJ and chinese songs, piss yesterday,..anyway, is getting better,..yesterday is "PE" day,...hahaha,...why cannot play captain's ball,...Basketball,.then all so good,..still fresh with the working life,...quite like the thing about being two by two,...or three by three ,..walking in step for lunch and back,..still fresh on picking up mugs and plates and standing inline for lunch,..hahaha,..stupid "Wan" so big,..then have to carry around during lunch,..have another thing more to worry about when taking lunch, order not to stain it like desmond on his no.3 ,..

can't believe it,...i am actually working,...i AM NOW AN AVERAGE WORKING ADULT,..too bad the $$ only comes in in august,.or july,..wat the heck,..still so far away,..

jogging,..wise,...hmmmm,...still haven complete the yewtee round,....cannot like last time,..must slow down and more frequent but short runs,....

have to do things around the house liao,..long time din help out,..just scrub the idiot toliet,.sian man,..(all those whose toliets got maid to clean one better enjoy man) hahaha,..

Wednesday, May 12


today,,...hmmm,...not tat sian la,..cos did a teeny weeny bit of drill,....make me think back about the old days i have in band,...hahah,..tats so long ago,...loved the old times,..but the drill,..timing very fast,..somemore very "lor sor",..say a lot of things before action,..not like the old band's commands,..court shoes is spoiling my legs,...specially during muster,...have to "bang"

hope that the stock of blue cloth arrive soon, i can go and tailor the pants,...then can wear the "guys" marching shoes liao,....

hope i can lengthen the distance today,..yesterday had my rest,......^_^

Tuesday, May 11

atsui,...hontou atsui,..

,..haha,.very hot ah, okay la,..humid,..bue tahan,,..did nothing at all,.slack in the "air-con" room,.....anyway,...i am feeling so full,...ate alot of things,..
grilled tofu
nasi blani (donnoe how to spell)
curry puff,...

,,...cannot move liao ah,.hahah,...later cannot jog liao,..hahah,..anyway,.din complete the whole yewtee routine yesterday,..knee started to give me hints,...then i jus shorted the route and slow down,...there is mass run this friday,...yawn,.....have been sleeping about 5hrs these few days,..i think i am getting sick of rice,...haha,..

Monday, May 10


wow, has changed into a brand new look,..anyway,.its was such a hothothot day today,..sweating in the "air-con" room even though i'm sitting, today was okay lor,..better than the last few days,..since i am able to walk around and not sitting inside the room,.rotting away, in the cookhouse was not bad,.^^

did not complete the yew tee round yesterday,...did only half and jog back, hope i can complete la,...i am soosoo,...far away from jogging a marathon,..even a ten k is also a problem,..hai have to train up liao,..more,... ohh,..have to go tekong next month le,..hahaha,..^_^

Sunday, May 9

nothing to do,...

yoyo,..nothing to do again ah,..later have to go jog,..yew tee,..long long long time din jog there le,.dunno how will it turn out,....yeah,.dad bought chocolate ice-cream,...yumyum,..heehee,..althought not the flavour i like but,.at least its,.chocolate,..^_^

Saturday, May 8

hai, is better,..old one is better ah,...moving back,..^_^

yo,..sorry for the trouble,..move here move there,..well,..anyway,....duuno why blogdrive not working properly for me,...maybe its due to my laggy com,...anyway,..nice to be blogging at blogspot again,.