little one

Thursday, December 28


, still goes on,...

welcoming 2007,...yeah,..i'm older again,..can't wait to be 30,...40,...50,..see wat does,..wrinkles,..white hair,..sagging means,'ll be such a drag,...hohoho,...merry christmas,...

yesterday,..a little sad,..some sad things just never gets out frm your little brain,...irritating,..but, still goes on,..the sec hand don't pause and wait for ya to finish sobbing,...its a roller coaster ride,..

someone asked wat r my 2007 resolutions,..?? (did i spell correctly??)

i had mine for 2005,..2006,..but,..they went to grave the next day,.totally forgot about dem,...


2007,..(3 yrs more to submitting my "here comes freedom" form)

jan to march,..sailing
march to april,..sailing,...

may-dec - hope hope,...less sailing,..

(oh man i loved this song,...)


  1. read more books,....
  2. paint more,..and draw more,..
  3. shop less,...
  4. save save save,..."shen" "shen" "shen",....
  5. pick up on jogging,..and swimming,...cycling too,.
  6. must come up with the plan when i got "freedom",.. buy some daggers,..bodygard, prepare for the wild world outside, more braveheart, more springs to hold the heart from 20 storeys drop,..
  7. plucking grasses off the ground,..sounding each time,.."study? work? business? study? work? business? study? work? business? with the patch , can last me the whole year,...
  8. watch or rather spend less time switching tv channels,..give the TV a break,.
  9. ermmm,..hummpsmm,.....hmm,..less,...desserts,...
  10. belay the last,.. (less unhealthy desserts,....)


ido*T,...spending chinese new year overseas........HARRRRRRR,..!!!!!!!!!!! i wan ang pows,......

>_< , good,..dong dong dong chiang,..!!!