stole from kevin, also wanna note down my batch guys' name,.....
Kevin (moi aries fren,...same frequency with me most of the time,...)
raymond yeo wen han (an aloe vera drinker-giant always motivating ppl)
huang min de, pooh bear (always remembered as the fwd engine room rds)
justin lee zhicai ( sooooo good in tracing system,.... )
peh xin wei,..peh peh ( yes sergeant, sergeant,..i dunno sergeant)
ed ng yuan xing, lao ban (high flyer,......)
jean chua tian ai,
thomas fan zhi hao ( have to stuck wif him in 210 la)
low tian jun, garfield (wat can i say,....he is GARFIELD)
ong choon siong (lao eh,...hahahhahhahaha,...very good advicer,..)
fabian goh (quiet and reserved,..but talk quite loud,..)
nah bin hao (the metal flesh guy)
chen xing xiang (another giant,......stuck in a small cute car,..)
lee weilieh (hahaha,....crapper,..who ran very well)
ah wong (always picking a fight wif serene)
patrick li ( another quiet one,....nice to chit chat with,..)
kum jia wei ( wat can i say,...haha,..tis guy,..funny la)
desmond (wa, in frieght gate,.....)
er rong hua (mr er, and never get fat,....i also wan la,..)
tien kang (mr tien kang,...the good talker,..)
ang zhen jie, ah cek (another lao de,..another good advicer,.)
PV and APV
(indenpendent block,..)
k.k ohh aka,..B sao (my bmt buddy,,^_^ ,..power sia)
samantha (the good communicator who is very patriotic,..likes to "sew")
serene (my good advicer,..that always enlighten me,..)
lyn,..jing ling (my good fellow mate whom i grumble to,...)
joanne,..aka,..A sao( a very regimental and healthy eating one,..whom i look upon,..)
sze yen ..yen jie,..aka,..ah yen ah,..(wah,..tis is power, tok kok buddy,..fellow ims and too bad not da sao,..)
yes yes,..yes,...i have not been jogging for years,.i can hear my jogging shoes crying,...i have not swim for centuries......
i must start my interest soon,.....very very soon,..
looking forward to my leave ,...yvette,...lets go,...
very ,...
complains of the day,.........
my back is going to break into three parts,...
blue black all over,...................
i'm getting a fever,....
i am dying for a jog,...
i hate my condition now,...
my heart is weaker ,..resting heart beat should be more den usual,...
i must start using more of my brain cell now,.....
i must start planning,....