little one

Sunday, September 24

tired ,...but very happi

,....i loved music,...

i am so tired, eyes r closing,..

my back straining from the sleeping in funny position yes.

^_^ today is a good happy day,..hehe,..

had a ,...sort of ghostly dream yesterday

forgotten le,.sians,...else can draw it out,...

this feeling is,..

just so good,..

toopid bro come and disturb me,..

go away la, is my private time with my weewoo blog,.

many wonder wat weewoo means,..
weewoo is a dog's name,..
my first stray dog,..
who waited me,..
for so long
wait for me ,.to accompany to wait for my bus that bring me to school
wait for me ,..when i come back from school,..where i board the bus,.
waited for me to play with him,.
waited for me to come back,..everyday,.when i attended granpa's funeral back in jalan sisi,..
waited everyday , the door that won open,...until one day
a man took him away to the jungle,..
and i came back,..only to know i lost him after losing my granpa,..
it was my neighbour,..who told me he was waiting for me everyday for me,...outside my door,..someone to open from inside the empty house,..
i hated the old man,..who told me he brought him into the jungle,...
hated when i whistle and saw no sign of him,...weewoo is not a name to be called,...weewoo is a whistle sound, calling for him,..from my seventh floor to the first floor playground where he lives,..and he will run up,...i can whistle in the early morn,..late at night,...loved whistling and see him running in circles around the field below,..looking up at me,..jumping and his tongue hanging in the air,..i never used the lift though,..lifts were too far away from my unit,..we used the stairs,..i loved the stairs, can hear his paws even before he reaches,..cos he never got his nails chipped away,..the nails made a special noise when he climb up the stairs,.,..that made me smile everytime, is hard for him to go down the stairs though,..he went down in a funny way,..that also make me laugh,..

i miss him,...
sharing my icecreams with him,..(to think i actually ate the area he licked,..wat was i thinking that time)
giving the ham off my breakfast every morning
giving him the prawns, and pieces of meat off my din,..
miss roller blading with him,..
running his poor leg over with the blade,..
his smell,..of rain,....
when he,..protected me from the pack of dogs that i wander into thinking,..(i have no idea wat is a pack of dogs,..territory,...i only know, cute,...)
i miss him climbing up to my floor,..
miss him sleeping in the seesaw,..
miss him shaking in the rain,..
i only know he is black,..and he has golden spots above his eyes,..
i dunno his breed,..i forgotten if he has droopy or standing ears,..
i can rem his tongue though,.and his smell,...
i know one thing,...he don bark,...that is wat i remember,..i never hear him bark before,..
i miss him licking my face in the early morning,..even though how i dislike,.cos, smelt so much like rain,..salty rain,.it was so cold every morning while waiting for the bus,.you can even see haze, like 610 in the morning, and him,..hehe,..he sat patiently ,..^_^
i loved weewoo,...


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