little one

Monday, September 20


ok, far,....nothing interesting going on,..ya,..jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen jen NY!! hahaha,...


i like friendliness, way,...

no goodbyes,...only love,...from the tee vee

don leave voice messages,...don you know how irritating it is to call back and listen,....????????? unless,..ya gonna sing a song at the end,..tat,..i don mind,...

consuming way too much ice-cubes, anyone,..?? i'll invest in you,....just make sure my teeth are all intact wen i'm old,..thank you

trust me,..i'm in winter season now,...

mansfield park,...friday,..10pm,...
titanic tomorrow,..
and ,...
vertical limits, week

i should get myself scv,..and sit myself through the days,.and rear some spiders,..

if i'm not where i am,..i will be
a house designer,..
a zookeeper
a cafe owner,...
a waitress in a cafe

my passion for jogs,.seem to have died away,.i'm just too lazy,.to continue with my daily jogs,,.for now,.i'll just "go" as i wish,...

"performing burial ceremony for "daily jogs""

past deaths
"daily piano"
"daily crunches"
"daily prayers"
"daily diary"
"daily skipper"
"full time in a world of my own"
"full time having a "dog" of my own"
"part time hero"
"full time dreaming being business women"
"part time acting as a wanderer"
"full time being a cartoon character"
"full time being sis to two siblings"
"bits and pieces of being a rock star"
"bits and pieces of being a sister of a heavy metal rock star"
"full time thinking weewoo is my dog"
"part time living in a three-story house"
"bits and pieces of being the owner of my grams coffeehouse"

lots more,...... .... .. .

tee vee here i come,.....


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