you don you won no way i say, didn you doesn you isn you wasn, woould you should you you ought and you shouldn, no body but me,..
have a happy day,..all,..
ya,..i long time din jog le,..*diot,..well,.anyway,..
a little bored
yeh,.last day of work,..cos,.i have my sat back,.
bro's into jap songs,...into very old jap songs,...LOL,..tat creepo,.
*din you open your eyes,..cos i never did,...*BG
wat was the last thing on your mind when you close your eyes for the night rest,..???
think of something sweet, will provide you a night of sweet dreams,..
my theory,..
*little bitty pretty one,..come on and tok to me,.....* FL
the few months in camp,..since like i have been there for years,...
it is never good to lie, lie will lead to another,...and another,..till the end of time,...hahaha,.wat am i saying,.??
hai,...however,..white lie, another thing,..
batch guys toughen up ,...and i've well,...been lossen up,..slacking like no tomorrow,..
there is always a kid in every one of us,...tats why,..we remain very much the same throughout our life,..
everyone of us,...has a soft concious (dunno how to spell) well covered to protect ourselves,....cos ,..we are only human,....
"a winner makes commitments
a loser makes promises" ??
gotta rem this,.for my jogs,..
*i never know wat the future brings,..but now you are here with me now,.........*DB
^_^(all teeth) tml is friday,..
current suitation "empty ,..but full of goodness"
there is more tat i can achieve,....but i am jus lazy,..
someone pull my start plug....the enthu is currently hibernating,....
good night,.....
*since you've been gone,..don't you know i ,..sitting around,..with my head hanging down,.and i wonder,....whos loving you,.....* MJ
you have only one chance being alive in this big big world,..
no matter wat,..move on,..cos there are better things out there,...
i wanna explore this world world world so big,...
ya,..i long time din jog le,..*diot,..well,.anyway,..
a little bored
yeh,.last day of work,..cos,.i have my sat back,.
bro's into jap songs,...into very old jap songs,...LOL,..tat creepo,.
*din you open your eyes,..cos i never did,...*BG
wat was the last thing on your mind when you close your eyes for the night rest,..???
think of something sweet, will provide you a night of sweet dreams,..
my theory,..
*little bitty pretty one,..come on and tok to me,.....* FL
the few months in camp,..since like i have been there for years,...
it is never good to lie, lie will lead to another,...and another,..till the end of time,...hahaha,.wat am i saying,.??
hai,...however,..white lie, another thing,..
batch guys toughen up ,...and i've well,...been lossen up,..slacking like no tomorrow,..
there is always a kid in every one of us,...tats why,..we remain very much the same throughout our life,..
everyone of us,...has a soft concious (dunno how to spell) well covered to protect ourselves,....cos ,..we are only human,....
"a winner makes commitments
a loser makes promises" ??
gotta rem this,.for my jogs,..
*i never know wat the future brings,..but now you are here with me now,.........*DB
^_^(all teeth) tml is friday,..
current suitation "empty ,..but full of goodness"
there is more tat i can achieve,....but i am jus lazy,..
someone pull my start plug....the enthu is currently hibernating,....
good night,.....
*since you've been gone,..don't you know i ,..sitting around,..with my head hanging down,.and i wonder,....whos loving you,.....* MJ
you have only one chance being alive in this big big world,..
no matter wat,..move on,..cos there are better things out there,...
i wanna explore this world world world so big,...
At 11:06 AM ,
Jean said...
^_^ haha,..those very old old opera type,...funny man,..hmmmm,.takizawa ah,..still okay la,.he grow old liao,..not cute liao leh,.haha
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