little one

Tuesday, April 20

one of my nightmares

setting ,....

there are a lot of gers,..i am one of them,...we were all rushing to the toliets,..i'm extremely in need to relieve myself,..there are two doors leading to two toliets(both are for gers),...once the bunch of gers( i am in the bunch) stepped into the toliet, we were invited with dead gers in each cubicles,..there are a total of about five cubicles,..therefore,...five dead bodies in each cubicles,..some lying on the floor of the cubicles,..some sitting on the bowl,...all cubicles' door where opened,therefore we can see the bodies...all the gers (including me) were all scared to go in to relieve ourselves,.we stood outside the cubicles for a moment,..then i remembered the other door to the other toliet
...i ran to the next toliet, i stepped in,..i can see alot of gers qeueing to go into the toliets,..* too packed* i think to myself and decided to head back the previous toliet,....i returned to the toliet with dead bodies,.. still no one dares to go in to pee or to move the bodies away,...
i really cannot tahan,..i am very urgent,..just then, of the dead gers,..lying on the floor of one of the cubicles' eyes opened,...that dead ger pick herself up and slowly walked out of the cubicle,...i waste few seconds pondering whether to go in or not,..then i just decided to walk in,....

*the following images are in slow motion,.....*can you believe it,..slow motion in my dreams,..hahhaha

as i walked into the cubicle,...the "dead ger" who had walked out some distance away from the cubicle suddenly turned around and ran towards me and "her" cubicle,..( i was about to turn my body to close the door,...),..i saw the dead ger running towards me,.....i panic,..but think about the need to relieve and how scared i am,.....just then i saw another ger,..( one of the gers that rush to the toliet with me) standing near the toliet,...i stepped out and pulled her into the cubicle with me, i pulling her,..i get ready to slam the door shut,...once i pulled her in,..i slam the door and use all my body weight on the door (very scared the dead ger is able to push her way in ), my weight lies on the door,..shutting it,..i can hear the dead ger scratching and pounding on the toliet door,....then i think to myself,....the ger i pulled in with me, she "dead" too ,..?? or is she a live ger,..?? at the same time,...i still need to pee,....then i woke up,..........

dunno if anyone imagine out this dream i have,...hahha,..jus need to say it out,..cos the dreams that i say out,..never come true,.

this is one of the few dreams i can remember,..had quite a few ghostly dreams,...and all ended with me waking up,....hahaha,...some of my dreams are black and white,...for this particular one, in color,..i can even see the blood stains on some of the dead gers,...and the black part of the eye when the dead ger open her eyes,..i can see the colors of the dressing those gers that ran into the toliet with me,.......


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