little one

Friday, April 2

jean, this is what the foods you eat say about you:

You are friendly and easygoing. People feel comfortable around you so it is not a surprise that many friends surround you. You have high self-esteem and will not let anyone get you down.

You are always wilful and most of the time, you are a stubborn person. But you love to work and are quite honest, which makes you good to get along with as a friend or lover.

You are tough, hard-working and responsible. When you are assigned to do something, you will do your best no matter how difficult the job at hand might be.

You are logical, smart and inventive. Sometimes you are too cold and selfish.

com at home is so laggy,..something's wrong with the system,...-_-!!
YEAH^^ FYP is completed,....hahaa,..have my best presentation ever in all three years of poly,..haaaa,..^^
manage to calm down and take my time to make shiek understand what i am trying to say,.....but i don think he really does,....watever,'s over,...
mum's stop working,..tat means less income,..need to spend less now,..she went muar with aunt to pay a visit to grandpa's grave,..
now tat FYP has ended,..i must concentrate more on my sem exams and jogging,...


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