little one

Tuesday, April 20


The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. That's the essence of it.
- Vince Lombardi

finally,..forced myself to wake up and do some jogging,....decided to try out logging my daily jogs on the blog,..^_^ ,..

MORN- 0535-0615
did 8 rounds around the park,...initially wanted to do ten rounds,...but lazy,..sooooo,...heehee

NIGHT- 2200-2245
complete the 3 rounds around my house,.....the second round is tougher,...cos still at warming up,...third round is sort of a breeze,.....^_^

it has been a long time since i am able to use the com at home, has been shutting down automatically and lagging like hell,...lucky my bro is able to configure it with some help,...
find that i am a person who have little determination to my dreams,,..?? i also do things depending on my mood,.or my feelings,....happy do nicely,..not happy,..who cares,...hmmmm,..well,..the same old line,..who cares,..?? heehee, first wanna buy some pots for grandma to start a small gardening,..but now, $$ liao,..mum's visits to the teller cause my last bit of 200$ down to 10$,...-_-!!!,..hahahha,..yeah,.gonna start working soon,..^^ ,..
can't wait to be one of those working adults,...some 8-5 job,..of cos mine will not totally be 8-5 la,..have been thinking of what course to take in the mist of working,...maybe i should just concentrate on my jogging,..!? find that jogging and working revolve around my head all the time,..and of course some other things which i wouldnt mention,..later have to go school and study electrics,...

all my friends' blog are so much nicer than mine,...haha,..mine is sooo,...simple and simple,.....well,....^^ ,..hope that this logging in of my jogs would help keep my jogs more routine,...hope la,..hope,..^^


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