little one

Monday, March 29

yeah,..fyp gonna end soon,..^_^

hmmmm,..feeling very itchy hand,..wanna type something on my blog,..

"pain is like energy,..keep passing on " forgot the actual lines,.written or composed by szewei,..felt really true,.
...sometimes if you think about something bothering you,.you feel sad,...then if you don't think about it, disappears until the next time you think it back again,..that is how i feel about pain, never goes away,..and it is always that degree of painess everytime you looked back,...
mom's gonna quit her job liao,..31 march,.last day,..she say she wanna look for work that would not stress on her legs,...hai, i wish i can faster come out and let my parents retire,...-_- ,..!!
have not been covering long distances,..something's been bothering me,..i feeling like stucking in the mud,..think some of you know what i am talking about,.. been lazy also,.did not wake up to do my morning jogs,..i never did wake up to do morning jogs consecutively before for a week,..nevertheless,..i never stop trying and failing,..
i'm glad that i am consider an active person, a sense that i do swimming and jog,..blarblarblar,..hai,.wonder if i can maintain it till i am old like a grandfather's clock,....really peifu all those old old grannies and grappas,.in the marathons,...^_^ ,..salute, the day close in to start work,..i feel happier,..really cannot sit or stand still thinking about it,..finally,..never in my mind did i ever thought that i would be in the navy,.let me recall, first ambition,,..but i cannot stand the wound and hurt animals,..and the sight of wound and blood,..then teacher,..comeon, i have the patience,..?? i don think so,..hotel management - hmmm,..this is the ambition i have when i work in rainforest cafe,.but then better not,..cannot stand unreasonable customers,i will fight back at any accusations made, i might end up being fired,..police---i scard of bodies leh,...professional athelete---hmmm,...if i start training from young ,..maybe i am one already,..but then ,.hai, ,..discard ,...let me see,..3 years ago i am still thinking about my future career and what will i be in,....AHHH,.^_^ ,,.dun need to think la,..ahhahah,..not at least for the next 6 years, long as i have $$ for my basic necessities in life,...sounds so (mei you ku qi) should have demanded more from life isn't it,..?? car,.? one million??big house?? well content is enough, don need a car in singapore,..a million?? where i get tat $$,.. big house,.and spent maid on cleaning it,.while you only spent 70 percent of the time in a particular area of the house,..but for me,..contentment is no progress, wat is the real definition for me as being content,..?? hmmm,.okay don bother me, craps again,....^_^ ,..

oh, the way today is takizawa hideaki's birthday,..hahhaha,..^_^ but as he grows older,..i din like him anymore,..not as cute as last time la,..wat to do,..hai,..ahahah,..^_^


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