little one

Saturday, October 2

Jayemos at 29 months

Dear Jayemos,

in a few weeks time,.....there will be more love around the house,...

hohoho,...your baby sister here is a reallll "BIGGG" girl,..
mummy is scared from the week 30 and 1.78kg figure,.......

Pray that it will still be a natural """"""painless""""""" birth this time round....

you kissed your sister through the protection cover,...when we say "can you kiss mei mei?"

i remember your birth,....

its a sleepless night for mummy,....
mummy decided to skip work on 2 may 2008 for a stomach discomfort (it was around 5 in the morning)
mummy went to the polyclinic and the contractions were around 20mins apart,...
mummy could not tolerate the queue and walk off,....decided to go to dr koh later,...
mummy went to ah ma's house and it was already 10plus,.
mummy found the "show" ,... you are coming,...
mummy called daddy and we decided to meet at dr koh later that afternoon,....
it was already pass 4pm when we were called in to be checked,..contractions were around 5-10mins apart,..mummy's getting irritated,..
dr koh said mummy's 5cm dilated and you are engaged real low,..we have to be rush to the hospital and you will be out by 9pm
we have nothing prepared,...hopped into the cab and reach mount A,.it is ready 5plus,..
by the time the nurse got my clear my ***** and got me in the suit,..the delivery room is real cold and mummy dislike the things that is use to detect the contractions clinging on me,.
mummy stayed in the delivery room and the contractions were closer and closer,..more and more unbearable,...
god knows how it actually progress,...
mummy is masked on by the time the mid wife says its 8-9cm dilated,..
mummy asked for an epidural,..rejected,..cos its too late,..
asked for cesarean,..rejected ,..cos you are coming,.
9.5cm,...mid wife decided to call in the doctor,..
mummy hang dear life for the only comfort,....the gas,......pulled daddy's shirt from M to a XXL and was lamenting that the minute of contraction is coming,...relieved the next minute,....pulling daddy's shirt for the the alternate minute,...
doctor came in and mummy is ready to receieve you,..
you came out in a few pushes....
it is 9.20pm, were loud ,..
and its all over,..

by the time we were wheeled out, were crying loudly, is already near 11 plus, the night,.
daddy went home to changed up,...
mummy breastfed you a few times that night.,....and you even gave mummy a smile,..

i wonder how will your little sister's birth be like,..?????

god bless us all,...


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